I am sorry, but I am not medically trained at all. I am a generalist that knows how to design and run websites. I have learned a lot about hip resurfacing along the way in the last 5 years, but I don't really know that much about the specifics of special probelms. I wish I could give you more input, but I don't have any training to do so.
I certainly would trust Dr. Gross's opinon since he is one of the best hip resurfacing surgeons in the US. If Dr. Gross doesn't feel you surgery will be 100'% - what part of the surgery does he feel will might not work properly. Your Range of Motion, will you not be able to be as active, or is he afraid the surgery just might not work and have to be revised to a THR. Does he recommend a THR instead of a hip resurfacing?
I am sorry, but I just can't give you any other input. If I wanted more input, I think I would write to several of the top surgeons like De Smet, Bose, etc and try to get more input. Their consultations are free. If you still are not sure, then I would try several of the other top surgeons in the US like Dr. Su, Dr. Mont, etc. You need to know if they think your surgery might not be sucessful too. That is the only way I know of getting input that would be significant. It might be worth having a consultation with several so you have more to base your decision on. Sometimes the top surgeons don't agree - I have seen De Smet, McMinn and Gross not agree. 2 won't do a resurfacing while another one will. Here is a list with their contact info
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.phpAgain, this is very diffiuclt surgery and you need to pick the surgeon you think will be best for you. You have to feel at ease with your decision - it does not depend on what other people think.