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I am 44 yrs old and began experiencing hip pain around 35.  I was still active in several competitive softball leagues, snow skiing, tennis, golf , working out, all of the stuff a normal 35 yr old did.  However, as the years progressed, the pain became more pronounced after activity and so I started to stop participating in the things I loved to do.  The exception was skiing where I suffered through it b/c I love(d) it too much.  After purchasing a hot tub to get hydrotherapy, glucosamine tablets, etc. it became pretty obvious that I had developed arthritis in my hip.  I had my xrayed the first time around 40 and confirmed that I had moderate arthritis.

At this point I had pretty much stopped most aerobic activity with the exception of golf and cortisone-aided skiing.  I am 6'3" and 10 years ago weighed 210-215 lbs.  From 40 to 44 my weight increased to 250 lbs. which added insult to injury - literally. 

I began reading about a BHR about 2 years ago because a THR just seemed to extreme for my age.  I was inconvenienced and limited by my arthritis, not crippled by it. I made an appointment with a local Ortho guy who didn't do BHRs and said when I couldn't take the pain any more then I should consider a THR.  This was about a year ago. 

The last year saw additional weight gain causing more pain and limitations after the cortisone wore off. Finally, in the Fall I decided I was going forward with the BHR and it was only a matter of who and when.

I set my surgical date with Dr. Mont in mid-November for Jan 15th.  I had little more than 8 weeks between my visit and my surgery.  I am now 4 days post op and am sore, my knee and thigh are swollen, the muscles involved in the operation that were cut (a glute, and the one down the side of my leg) give me the most discomfort, but muscles heal quickly.

I'll pass along my learinings to anyone considering this FWIW:

*The day after my office visit I decided I would spend the next 8 weeks no matter how painful it was to work out every day to build my strength up.  I spent four weeks on my treadmill then 4 weeks with a personal trainer. This was needed not only in the hip flexor, but in my abs, my other leg, everywhere because I knew this would help with recovery -- thank God so far. Getting in and out of chairs using my normal leg would be been nearly impossible had I not strengthened it those 8 weeks.  I am able to walk around my first floor without crutches, gingerly, but I am very optimistic.

*Spinal anesthesia without a doubt is the way to go.  Do not be intimidated by spinals -- they are painless, you are out, you will wake up thinking "have you started yet?"  If you can avoid general -- do -- you won't regret it. Waking up groggy with a breathing tube in is horrible.

*Pain pump -- they had me on a pain pump that allowed me to inject myself every 10 minutes.  This last about 2 hours and I said no f'ing way.  They started ome on oral percosets every two hours + Toridol IV+ Dilaudid IV (sorry about spelling). This made my first night outstanding.  Of course, when I woke up at 4 am I was on fire, but that was quickly addressed.

*Pain management - you and only you have to be your advocate for pain management.  Do NOT let a nurse dictate how your pain is managed.  They will ask you to rate your pain on a 1 to 10 scale.  Everyone's scale is DIFFERENT!  My 7/8 is different than yours.  It's subjective. They were stretching me out less than 18 hours after my surgery to oral percosets every 4 hours. Nothing else! The nurse was not cooperating and I was really uncomfortable.  I needed another break through IV to get some sleep and she wasn't cooperating.  It took the intervention of a PA on call to get me what I needed.  Hell, I am not a junkie, I am don't enjoy being drugged up, and I was 18 hours post op!

*Stool management - I am not joking - between the medicine, the iron, the Tums, not eating for nearly 2 days -- a bad situation was developing.  So bad that on Sunday night (3 days post op) my pains were so bad that I almost fainted.  Please, start taking stool softeners immediately and laxatives too.  Do not let this happen to you.  It's terrible.  The oral percosets I'm still taking are constipating me now.  Continue taking the stool softeners. Have laxatives available.  Heed my advice!

Finally, you need to be 100% dedicated to this decision.  There is no going back after the procedure.  I can see how daunting a recovery is and what is ahead of me.  However, I am willing to put my normal life (so to speak) on hold for about 10 weeks while I rehab.  My leg is swollen, it's hard to get in and out of chairs, sleeping in the same position all night isn't easy.  But I know I am headed to a better place. I'll check in periodically with my updates.





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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 10:36:32 PM »
Great story and recommendations please keep us all informed on your progress.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb

Pat Walter

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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2010, 08:51:33 AM »
Hi Tim

Congratulations on your new hip resurfacing.  I hope your recovery continues to go well and you are back to being very active this summer.

Thank You for taking time to write such a nice article about your experience.  It is well done and help many other perspective patients.  It is a wonderful way to help others by sharing your own experience.  People learn what to expect before their surgeries.

Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

roosevelt heights

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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2010, 12:41:15 PM »

Very informative. I am on deck, my procedure is scheduled for 2-8-2010...I will be following your process.


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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2010, 07:28:34 PM »
Good luck Roosevelt!  My recovery is going better than I thought.  I took myself off of percosets this morning and am done with them.  Every day is better and I am so excited about the possibilities.  Days 1 and 2 are tough, but they go by fast.  Keep us all posted and I hope you are building strong muscles in the meantime.



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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 08:58:40 PM »
Great advice! Good luck with your longer term recovery and rehab.  I'm sure you'll do great.  (But please don't overdo it too soon - it's where you are in 1 year that really counts, not 1 month!)


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Hi Tim

I'm 6 days post op and will reinforce your point about taking laxatives.  I'm not joking, the worst pain I've had since the op has come from my gut!  Folks catch me looking pained and say "hey, that hip hurting?", I just nod because I can't bring myself to tell them it's trapped gas!

Seriously though, I'd be really interested to know how the next couple of months played-out for you.  I want to get back to hill-walking (hiking) asap, but don't want to do damage either.




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Your next hurdle when you get home is finding a comfortable position to sleep.  A good recliner I found was a good place to sleep for a few hours.  You won't be able to sleep on either side for a couple of weeks.  Tylenol PM and ice bags really helped with the pain at night.  I did not do well on the heavy meds.

I am 1 yr & 7 months out and very happy I had this done.
L-BHR - Aug 2008 - Dr. Brooks  Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
R-BHR - Dec 2012 - Dr. Brooks  Cleveland Clinic Euclid Hospital
L-BHR Revision Nov 2017 - Dr. Brooks Euclid


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hi, im in the uk and had a bhr on 1st april...no joke. the combination of paracetomol and codeine bunged me up. according to my pharmacist brother they are a classic for this and a balance between this and a laxative needs to be established early. the other problem i had post op which took place at 4pm on the 1st was the physiotherapists wanting to get me up on walking sticks at 10am the next morning. the result was i fainted and then had to go for an xray to check i hadnt done any damage. in hindsight the physios should have noted the late surgery and waited. they should also have provided a zimmer. im now 26 days into recovery and sleeping is getting easier now i can turn on 1 side. i can roll onto the operated side but only for a short time. someone who had a bhr done privately said that hydrotherapy is great and gives confidence with extended movements. i have healed sufficiently to use a pool and this definetly helps but must be taken slowly as it is suprising how easy it is to overdo it.


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Hi Tim...Tim from Canada here:

I enjoyed reading your post. Many similarities from my experience...I can relate  :)

I am 43 & am 9 days post op. I have been  active all my life. The love of my life did me in..SPORTS! :o I was told also @ age 40 that my hip was shot, but fought it until I finally decided I wanted my old life back SPORTS  ;D. My hip slowly took it all away & my quality of life sucked.

I himmed & haaed right up till minutes before surgery, but finally chose to be completly knocked out. Luckily no breathing tube. Doc said Surgery went great & I am pleased with everything so far. I did not have a pain pump & reluctantly agreed to take all pills offered, especially after I waited too long the first time Ouch :o. I have battled with pain meds a bit. Day 4 I came home & it took till day 8 to get the right balance. I hate pills  >:( and the hot cold episodes along with the sweats have reenforced that.

Stool sofeners a god send lol. I stayed in the hospital an extra day to get that issue going "literally" . It was a good day. And to think I asked for a camode (spelling?)...by my bed @ day 1, because I was sure that my morning coffee would work(as usual) & I would never make it to the bathroom. After three days still nothing. Finally a little help from the nurse...Silver Bullet she called it lol  :o

The swelling is slowly going down & It is getting easier every day to get up. Lots of movement...from walks with crutches to chair to couch merry go round will all be worth it. I also worked out hard before surgery to prepare for a quicker recovery.

Good luck Tim  ;D


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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2010, 10:27:27 AM »
hi tim
phil aged 48 from uk. another sports nut who played competitive squash for 35 years and gave up playing when the painkillers were an absolute necessity after every match. decided to get the hip done when i couldnt walk around a golf course. here in the uk they dont want you hanging around in hospital cluttering up the beds so they get you up next day and once you pass the "stair test" they let you out (4 days).
now 27 days post op and no sticks etc. still struggling to get sock on and do up shoelaces and still need to gain strength on the operated side to be able to be able to walk upstairs evenly. but walking further each day. my wound healed really well and ive had a couple of baths which is great for relaxing the operated side leg muscles. a friend is a physio and a light rub that side also helped. soon the physio  wants to give the scar tissue a light massage to break it down.
theres a 4 week restriction on driving so im looking forward to being able to do short car journeys from 1st may and i see the surgeon on 11th may so it will be interesting to see what he thinks. i also want to find out when you can fly although im reliably told that the metal detector at the airport will go off every time and you have to show them your scar!


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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2010, 06:15:32 AM »
hi tim
phil aged 48 from uk. another sports nut who played competitive squash for 35 years and gave up playing when the painkillers were an absolute necessity after every match. decided to get the hip done when i couldnt walk around a golf course. here in the uk they dont want you hanging around in hospital cluttering up the beds so they get you up next day and once you pass the "stair test" they let you out (4 days).
now 27 days post op and no sticks etc. still struggling to get sock on and do up shoelaces and still need to gain strength on the operated side to be able to be able to walk upstairs evenly. but walking further each day. phil

Phil: How are you doing your shoelaces?  Don't you have the 90 degree restriction?


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Re: 4 Days Post Op BHR and here are my learnings from the whole process...
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2010, 07:28:46 AM »
the answer to putting on socks and doing up shoelaces is long arms!
day 28 post op and for the first time can stand on the operated  leg and weight bear.the aim now is to do a few light squats 3 or 4 times a day and then ultimately be able to put on clothing without having to find something to hang onto first.



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

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