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Ceramic on ceramic resurfacing
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:40:55 AM »
I am allergic to the metal in normal hip resurfacing ! My surgoen told me about Ceramic on ceramic, and ceramic on metal resurfacing. Has anyone had this or know of anyone who has had the procedure done?

I'd really appreciate any information

Many thanks!

Pat Walter

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Re: Ceramic on ceramic resurfacing
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 05:19:14 PM »
Hi Gill

Ceramic on ceramic hip resurfacing is very new and only Mr. McMinn is doing it right now.  He is still in the process of developing the device.

Ceramic on Ceramic THR is very common here and in Europe.  If a person has allergies, it is the choosen solution.  The coc THRs used in the US have a slightly smaller ball diameter than those used overseas. Dr. De Smet does a lot of them when he can't do a resurfacing and the patients have no restrictions at all.  There is not a chance of dislocation since it is a large ball similar to the size of your natural femur ball.  His patients do any activities they want to.  The only difference is they have the long stem of a THR put into their femur bone which is cut off.   It is not a bad option for hip problems.

Did your surgeon do a test to determine your metal allergy?  I am sorry if you posted and I forgot.  Hopefully, it was not a skin test.  Patients with allergies to metals on their skin are not necessarily allergic to the metals placed deep in the body.  I just wanted to make that point. Here is an explanation by Dr. Bose about skin allergies not being related to metals deep in the body http://www.surfacehippy.info/faqmetalallergy.php

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Ceramic on ceramic resurfacing
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 03:37:59 AM »
Hi Pat
Mr McMinn in the UK, arranged for me to have a blood test which confirmed I am allergic to nickle, and therefore not a good candidate for metal on metal hip resurfacing. Previous surgeons I had seen didn't even offer this test !
I have heard that there is often squeaking with ceramic on ceramic resurfacing ! So an alternative is Ceramic on metal.

I spoke with Mr McMinns staff surgeon last week and he told me that ceramic on metal resurfacing might be a suitable option - apparently it produces less ions and therefore there is less chance of an allergic reaction.

Thanks again !




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