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Physical Conditioning w/t Rehabilitaion Options
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:37:13 PM »
I'm a martial artist preparing myself for a March 22 Resurface procedure and was hoping someone could share a post-op workout that could be performed in conjunction with the "standard" rehabilition regiment. I have spent many years in core conditioning and have concerns regarding the post op recovery period. Any ideas for exercise options that won't comprimise the procedure would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Physical Conditioning w/t Rehabilitaion Options
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2010, 01:21:53 PM »
Hello: As always, consult with your surgeon. I did, however, begin a very vigorous upper body exercise regime after I had my staples removed (made showering easier). I carefully selected machines that did not violate my precautions (and I could prop crutches against) -- this included machines that isolated muscle groups from the waist up, so no strain was placed on the hip and leg. In a high-end fitness club I found 5-6 machines that helped keep me active until all restrictions were lifted -- so it really depends on your gym. Avoid exercises that allow your legs to dangle (pull-ups, etc.). I found them uncomfortable.

Now, today, 1.5 years later I just completed a lunch-time workout 1/2 hour on a 'spinning' bike, 130 lb sets on a hip abductor, free weights, and punching and kicking a speed bag. Good luck.

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Re: Physical Conditioning w/t Rehabilitaion Options
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2010, 09:46:23 PM »
1 M post op...I am "water walking" w/ leg weights, and it is great way revive the lower body...

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Re: Physical Conditioning w/t Rehabilitaion Options
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 09:33:39 AM »
Hi RReynolds

Many surgeons don't suggest aggressive PT after surgery. You will normally wait a few months to 6 months before getting aggressive.  Many people do a lot of water therapy.  It helps get rid of the stiffness and start up pain after sitting for a long time.  I did a lot of water walking and exercises about 6 weeks post op.  Here is a page with several types of water therapy information http://www.surfacehippy.info/ptarticles.php

My suggestion, since you are an athlete, is to take it easy during your early recovery.  Too many people try to push their bodies and that can result in some setbacks or even revisions.  You will be back to doing everything you want - but give your body time to heal.  If you do something stupid - you could end up with a revision and a lot more time healing.  A little patience is worth a lifetime of activity that your new hip will provide.

Good Luck and stay in touch.

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Re: Physical Conditioning w/t Rehabilitaion Options
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2010, 08:36:28 AM »
I recommend bungee cords for upper body training; there's no weight to pick up or put away afterwards and you can isolate a muscle group and train it very aggressively. The main advantage is the momentum decreases towards the end of range of motion. Try punching with a bungee fixed to a hook in the wall, make yourself a robust handle and be careful of the eyes. Good luck G.



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