Hey Pat,
Thanks for your prompt response and your very sensible input. The swelling in the quad is slight and only after I have been up on crutches for a while, so it hasn't worried me much. I have had no pain whatsoever associated with the hip, even immediately post surgery, although I have been entirely off painkillers for a while so i do have stiffness ususally at night or in the morning. I never consciously let myself sit at 90 degrees, and I always use my wedge cushion and have my leg out when in the bleachers or on a chair (I have only had to sit in bleachers for a few bball games, although I sat in a chair for 5 hours yesterday, with some standing up breaks, because I had to). I spend my bball practices (three a week , 1.5 hours each) standing on one leg, with crutches, often doing hamstring "curls", which my physio said would be okay. I did have the posterior approach (nice scar on the bumcheek) but the scar has healed up fast and very well and it has not hurt me to sit on my butt. I also have driven myself in the past two days and am very careful getting in and out of the car. I guess I have tried to be active because my physio said let pain be a guide (she did warn about swelling but like I said that has not been extreme). The surgeon (Dr. Emil Schemitch, St. Michaael's Hospital, Toronto) was great, and said I need to be non-weight bearing (or touch only so I could "rest my foot on an egg without breaking it") because of the way the bone needs to integrate into the metal. I hear about others with the same procedure walking with a cane after two weeks, and I am committed to staying OFF the foot for another three weeks, so I was hoping he is just a conservative doc, which is fine.
Also, I am a former elite athlete (okay, 9 years of bad bilateral arthritis took care of that), and for five months pre-op I rode the exercise bike pretty hard regularly to get my quads and hams strong.
Maybe my question should have been: "Am I being an idiot?" But I tell, you, the hip feels great (except for the aforementioned clunking, which doesn't hurt, and stiffness, which disappears after I do my a.m. bed exercises). And I am not doing more ROM-wise than my physio and doc recommended. So Pat, am I being an idiot?
Looking forward to your sage advice.