Hi Jack
Some surgeons don't even suggest any special PT after surgery. They give you some immediate exercises and stretches for a few weeks after surgery, but nothing after that. I went to Dr. De Smet and after I left Belgium at 9 days post op, there was no special PT required. Many doctors just suggest you walk, walk and walk. Some have programs they suggest - so it depends on your surgeon. The one thing I can say is that I have read thousands of stories and whether you get a lot of post op PT or nothing but walking and living your life - we all pretty much end up in the same place eventually - healed and without pain. If you are an athlete and do some special sport that is your living, you might want to coordinate your recovery PT with your surgeon.
So there is no answer to your question. It depends on your surgeon.
I did do some water walking at about 6 weeks post op and it helped my stiffness after sitting. Once I did that for a couple weeks, that stiffeness went away.