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Canadian Newbie
« on: May 29, 2010, 09:53:40 AM »
I am a 49 YOM. I have always been active, have a physical job and love hockey and baseball. I was diagnosed with OA last year and had a hip resurfacing done in Ottawa May 20, 2010. 2 days later left for a six hour drive home. Scheduled PT on day 7 and I am getting around well on a cane since then. I have a 90 degree restriction and have been doing my PT at home. I have been taking tylonol to control a small amount of pain but mostly to guarentee a good sleep. I had an ACL repair done in the early 90s and there is much less pain in this proceedure. I had an awesome experience at the Ottawa General Hospital, a very professional caring team to say the least. My wife family are helping me get around which is a big factor too.

I have been researching up until this post, thanks for having all the information available to potential hippys! The only thing I am dealing with is (cramping) tightening of the tendons in the groin but have had sucess by stretching the hip fully. I will update!   
May 20, 2010

Pat Walter

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Re: Canadian Newbie
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 09:56:45 AM »
Hi Len
Congratulations on your new hip resurfacing.  Thanks for posting your information.  Glad everything is going well for you.  Keep us updated and take it easy.  You will be ready to run around in a few months  ;D

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Canadian Newbie
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 11:32:55 AM »
It's two weeks today. I am walking mostly without a cane unless I am in rough terrain. I am going for walks with the dog, maybe a mile, no pain, it feels great to be mobile. Glad my wife removed the 25 or so staples, that alone provided a lot of relief. I assume the standard protocol is no driving for 4 weeks for everyone. Every single day my hip feels better and stronger. There is a steady improvement. Although I don't have an urge to run yet! I can stand a lot longer than pre-surgery, walk a lot farther and probably sleep better.

I have an older friend that has a problem with both his hips and he is afraid to get them fixed. I am visiting him this week! It's just crazy to keep suffering. He is only about 65. 
May 20, 2010


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Re: Canadian Newbie
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2010, 12:14:09 PM »
Three weeks post op today! No real pain. The only meds I need are occasionally if I over excersize and then just to get sleep at night. I haven't needed the cane for a week now, my gait is getting better. I wake up a few times at night and have to move around to get comfortable. The swelling is almost gone now. I am still getting a click when I move my leg, I don't know if that is normal, I see the Doc again in another week and he can probably answer that! I did a few flights of stairs the other day and it was med before bed. The incision site is healing well, the feeling is slowly returning. I have the 90 degree limitation and I look forward to being able to extend my ROM, its improving every day. The PT is easy now so I am looking forward to moving ahead to the strength building excersizes already. I know it will make a big difference.

I don't know if this information is of any use to anyone but this is what my experience is!

Anyone know if there is spell check available?
May 20, 2010


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Re: Canadian Newbie
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2010, 12:27:19 PM »
One more thing I should mention. I have been getting bruising coming to the surface as late as this week. It does come with some pain and then itching then normal. I had bruising in my ankle week one, week two in my calf and upper leg and the last bit is just above and under my knee. Since then sitting is a lot better, movement too. I realize this is normal and thought I should add it to "the experience". Cheers.   
May 20, 2010



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