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Hip Repair

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When is the time right
« on: August 27, 2010, 06:06:19 PM »
This is my first post here.  I am 34 and up until November 2009 was active running, swimming, and anything else, that sounded good.  Then all of a sudden, I could barely run down the road or pop up on the surfboard.  Looking back now I see the warning signs which were developing over the year. 

Fast forward to today.  I have been told that my right hip is pretty far along with osteoarthritis and my left hip is well on its way.  I am still swimming, albeit with a pull buoy, and getting out in the yard working.  Basically I am getting along although not with the active lifestyle I was used to having.

I have been told to live with it until the pain becomes too great and that I am a good candidate for HR.  However, that could mean another 2-3 years of living a less active lifestyle.  When I first heard about the HR procedure I decided to go ahead and do it and now I have a surgery date set for December with a good Doctor (although I wish he was local). 

Now I'm having second thoughts.  Maybe I should wait until the pain is unbearable.  My question is what is the benefit of waiting 2-3 years versus getting it done now?  How do you know when the time is right?


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2010, 09:52:17 PM »
I and many others who frequent this site appreciate what you are going through. I have always been pretty physically active and when I was 45, after suffering through several years of pain, I finally consulted an orthopaedist who advised me that it wasn't a matter of whether I needed surgery but, rather, a matter of when I was ready to deal with it. I wasn't mentally ready then (i.e., I was afraid of the surgery), went on NSAID's and suffered through another year or more before the drugs stopped helping and I realized I had to do something. I found out about hip resurfacing on the internet (found the Smith & Nephew website) and was fortunate enough to find a doctor in my area (Washinton, DC area -- Northern Virginia) who was qualified/certified to perform it. I had BHR on my left hip 12/07 and my right 4/08. It's major surgery, obviously, but really not that bad. Nor was the re-hab and physical therapy. I was so grateful just to be able to walk without pain again and wish I had done it much sooner. Personally, given my experience, I would tell you that there is no reason to suffer through the pain when this option is available.


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 11:22:45 AM »
There is also the window of opportunity to consider. If you wait too long you may do more damage to the bone, which is not so good for resurfacing. You also may injure your back or knees by compensating for the pain.
Bi-lateral, BHR, Dr Marchand. 7-13-09


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 01:03:48 PM »
How long can you sit without experiencing pain? How far can you walk without feeling pain?  Can you sleep through the night without waking up in pain?  What are you not doing now that you would normally be doing if it were not for the pain? With these answers in mind, think about one year from now and how you feel about living this way feeling as you do for another 12 months.  Would you find that an acceptable quality of life?  By the way, I was 37 when I had my first hip resurfaced, and after gutting it out with the pain for many years, I look back and realize how much of my life I put on hold because of my hips.   


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2010, 03:02:15 PM »
I've been struggling with the same issue.  The doctors have told me I could get the resurface now, or I could wait a year, maybe two.  I would have to get x-rays every so often to check the status of my hip to make sure I did not lose the window of opportunity for a resurf. On the other hand, I would also have to continue for another year or two not running, not playing singles tennis, soccer, or basketball with my son, and having to be careful what I tried to lift boxes, etc.  I'd also have to continue to put up with the knee and leg pains that wake me up in the middle of the night and the limp during the day.  I've never had major surgery before, so I'm not happy about this one, but I've decided to go ahead with the hip resurface, sooner rather than later.  I would encourage you to get second and third opinions and take your time looking for a doctor you are comfortable with.  I think the search itself helped me reach a decision about the resurface.  When you have four surgeons all tell you you are going to need a resurface or a hip replacement down the road, period, then it is a little easier to take the leap.  Good luck.

Dr. Gross, Uncemented Biomet, Left, March 2011


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2010, 07:47:51 PM »
Three main points/questions/observations stick out in my mind here:
(1) How bad is the pain, how much does it interfere with your ability to live your life the way you want to and how long are you willing to put up with it?
(2) Don't miss the window of opportunity for hip resurfacing.
(3) Consult with as many doctors as necessary to understand what needs to be done and find one you are comfortable with.
Looking back on things, I endured more pain and allowed my life and activities to be limited for at least three or four more years than I should have. I wish that I had pursued hip resurfacing immediately after the initial diagnosis I received (of course, at that time I didn't have the benefit of even knowing that the procedure was available, as the first orthopaedist didn't mention it as an option).
I wish everyone the best and hope that you make the decision that is best for you.


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2010, 08:37:54 PM »
I have been told to live with it until the pain becomes too great   

If it were me and I knew what I know now, I would never wait. I knew that I was not going to get better but yet suffered for several years with pain and not doing the things I wanted to do.

You will get it done some time and will have to go through the rehab then. I say do it now and don't wait. Get it over and done with and get on with life. Just make sure you get a good doctor and have a good plan.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 08:39:17 PM by jack »
Right BHR by Dr. Clarke  5-19-10

My BHR Story


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2010, 11:10:46 PM »
Hi Hip Repair,

 What everyone said is just SOO true. I could have written any one of their posts myself. I was told to wait, endured pain too long, didn't do the things I wanted to do, etc. I am at three months + post op now, and have ridden my horses (with Dr's permission) for the last three days with my new HR (I'm 45). It is better than I could even have imagined!!! Pain free and great range of motion. I am also walking like I haven't in 5 years! Up and down hills at a brisk pace for 3+ miles! I am loving life again.
 If you know you are going to need it anyway, if you're in pain all the time, if you can't live life the way you want to (let's face it, NEED to at age 34!), then find the Drs', get their opinions, and get it done. Remember, if you have the surgery done before all you can do is sit and watch the world go by, you will have a faster recovery because your body will still be in somewhat good physical condition, as will your muscles.
 Hope you find relief soon, Luann
F age 45 right hip C+ Dr.Sparling 6/02/10


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2010, 05:15:37 PM »
This is difficult to answer because only you know the level of pain.I stuck the pain for about ten years in total and was on NSAIDs for the last three, they did give some relief. I have now had bilateral resurfacing and a revision to THR on the right. I definitely waited too long, I was 42,but I was concerned about the length of time they would last and then how long for total replacement. My advice would be try the drugs,when pain increases and daily life is more severely affected, go for surgery. The recovery is painful and in some cases full normal hip mobility is not the outcome, when you think you need rid of the pain no matter, then you are ready for surgery.

Good luck!


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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2010, 10:44:54 PM »

 My question is what is the benefit of waiting 2-3 years versus getting it done now?  How do you know when the time is right?

My surgeon told me the same thing.  I'm 42.  He said I have good reason to do it now, but if I can wait another year or two, it would be better.  Then he told me the BHR has the potential to last 30 years.  That means if I get it done now, best case scenario, I'll be 72 before I need a revision to a THR.  If I wait a year or two, I'll be 73 or 74.  NOT much of a difference.  At the age of 34, 2 or 3 years isn't going to mean much when it comes to a revision in 30 years.  I decided to have the surgery...it's scheduled for November 2.  I am sick of the pain, and missing out on an active lifestyle.  Another year or two or three is too long for me.

Right BHR 11/8/10
revised to THR 12/13/10
Dr. John Keggi

Hip Repair

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Re: When is the time right
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2010, 11:36:54 PM »
I can't say enough for all the input everyone has given.  I'm not an emotional person, but it still kills me to think about the whole thing.  Hearing your replies has helped!  Anyways, I'm still on track for my surgery in December and hopefully I'll surf again someday afterward... although, my left hip is not that great either...but, I'll play that one by ear.  Best of luck to all of you and thanks for the support. 

Live life to it's fullest and God Bless!!!



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