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Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« on: September 22, 2010, 09:08:24 PM »
Hi all.

Just got home from hospital (Wed, Sept 22, 2010) after surgery two days ago.  Am doing great - easily walking on two crutches but mostly just using a single cane.  Still painful to lift leg while lying down - Dr. says it will take a few days for muscle to turn back on, but does not affect walking.    Doing stairs at my house to go up and  down to patio.  I feel great.  Hoping recovery continues as well as it has in just two days.

I am 47, male, 6'5", and a former casual runner (30 miles per week) but stopped 2 years ago due to pain. Picked up road bike, which  I enjoy very much.  But, the cartilage was gone, bone on bone, much pain, so went to Dr. Schmalzried at the Joint Replacement Institute in LA.  He's a tall (6'8") and fun guy, who really inspired confidence.  He said I was a good candidate for resurfacing vs. Total Hip Replacement, so I set the date.

My brother drove me to downtown LA Monday morning at 5 am (hey - no traffic at that time).  Checked in and was rolled into the surgery room about 9 and given the knock out drops (epidural and general).  Next thing I knew I woke up around 2:00 in my hospital room for the next couple days.  Was very woozy, and threw up a few times from the anesthesia.  Did not eat at all Monday.   But around 4:00 the physical therapist took me walking!  Used a walker and  he told me to put as much weight on the right leg as I could.  I was amazed I was walking on the day of surgery.  Had a lousy night puking, but in the morning was much better and used crutches (no more walker) to go around the 6th floor of St. Vincent Hospital 4 times.  The PT also took me up and down stairs.  This seemed crazy to be so active so soon, but they were encouraging it.  Don't misread me - the  walking was great, but getting into and out of bed was very painful due to the "dead weight" of my leg.

Today they released me home around 12:00 (after yummy hospital lunch - actually not that bad), and I easily walked up my stairs (with crutches) to home and relaxing, going on walks about every 30 mins for exercise.  Difficult to put on socks and pants, but use a "grabber" which greatly helps.  I live alone and am getting along fine.  Family and friends keep bringing in food - so I'm set for awhile.

A few other notes:  I get 120 degree angle bend of leg, not 90 degrees as I see many on this site, which is making it easy to use the toilet seat and getting in and out of cars.  Also, I was supposed to get the Converse Plus System, but the  doctor said when they got in there, my bone was bigger than Converse provided so they slipped on the Cormet/Corin devise which comes in larger sizes.  Also, Dr. Schmalzried used an amazing stitching technique so it is all under the skin.  There are  not sutures, staples, or anything that show or need to get pulled out.  I get to remove all bandages Saturday, take my first shower, and don't have to put any bandages back on.  Everything is sealed.  The only time I see the doctor again is in 6 weeks, and if I want to drive before that he says it's fine as long as it is safe (leg strength) and not on any pain killers - which by the way I have not had at all today as I am not in any pain!!

They say it varies as a patient heals, but I should not have any stiffness or pain in 3 to 6 weeks and possibly driving in 3 to 4 weeks.  I have no restrictions on activities at all except what pain will allow and for no internal rotation of the knee and exceeding the 120 degree angle.  After 3 months (when soft tissue heals) I will have no restrictions at all and hope to return to biking and light jogging soon (hey - maybe full running again).

So I am very impressed with this web site (Thanks Pat) and with the expert team of Dr. Schmalzried.  


« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 01:18:05 AM by TAJ »


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2010, 09:20:14 PM »
Good luck, thanks for sharing your experience. Keep us posted. I'ts always amazing to me how different the Drs' orders all are. Mine directions were very different. However, I was able to return to many beloved activities at 3 months. Happy healing, Lu
F age 45 right hip C+ Dr.Sparling 6/02/10


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 06:39:13 PM »
thanks Luann.  I appreciate your input.

today is Sunday, Sept 26 (Day 6 after surgery) and I get more strength and range of motion each day.  Riding recumbent bike 5 mins twice per day and walking 1/4 mile around neighborhood with one crutch.  no pain but some stiffness.  No pain pills except at night to help me sleep. 

Yesterday I was able to remove all my bandages and view the incision - about 7" long and shaped like a '7'. No redness or swelling.  Then I took my first shower since surgery and really washed myself all over - felt great!  put soap and water right on the incision per doctor's orders and let air dry.    No more bandages.  give myself Lovenox shots daily (some leave a bruise).  Start my first real Physical Therapy tomorrow although have been doing Dr. prescribed ones regularly. 

I don't feel any of the arthritis pain I had before the surgery but there is some occasional popping or slipping sensation that I did have before that was attributed to tendons or ligaments slipping off bone.  May have to live with that.  Overall very pleased with how it has gone so far.


Big Bill

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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2010, 08:33:03 PM »
Big Bill here ... AKA  C.A.S.H. (Cormet Anterior Surface Hippy).    Ted ....welcome to the other      side! My Dr (Kreuzer) uses the Cormet Device also because of the sizes available. I am over the 2 year mark and the hip is great !  I am also tall  @ 6' 5" (the tallest my doc has done resurfacing on ) and for a while one of the tallest to have resurfacing. We once had a poll for the tallest  ::)....anyway,sounds like you are right on track...congrats. Water aerobics and water conditioning classes offered at the YMCA were very much a part of my pre & post surgery favorites. If you like the pool you may want to give it a try ...best of luck !

 Big Bill     C.A.S.H.


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2010, 08:50:50 PM »
Thanks Big Bill (C.A.S.H.) and congratulations on your recovery.  Glad it works on tall people too.  I will definitely try the water therapy.  Thanks for the tip.  I have a pool nearby where they do water aerobics and  other exercises.  But, I can not get into the pool until after 3 weeks to make sure the water stays out of the incision.

My posture already seems better as my leg length has changed to be more normal.  Before I was 1/2" shorter in the right leg (due to cartilage collapse) and now I am only 1/8" shorter, which the Physical Therapist says was perfect as they shouldn't go all the way at once to make up such a big difference.

Today is Wednesday, Sept. 29 (Day 9 post surgery).  I have been to PT twice - first day for a detailed evaluation and today for my stretching and strengthening exercises.  Had a friend drive me to the place as I am not even thinking about driving myself yet (not enough strength in the leg).  Did 10 minutes on the exercise bike, 6 assorted stretches, and 5 assorted strength exercises.  She worked on my walking stride/posture too.  Worked out for 75 minutes (not  hard enough to sweat, but just to work the hip joint).  Will be going 3 times per week for 6 weeks per doctor's orders, and longer if I want it.

Am sitting outside now on my patio in sunny and hot southern California happy to know it all went well and looking forward to complete recovery as most of the people on this site describe.




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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 04:11:50 PM »
Monday, October 11, Day 21:   3 Weeks today!

Each day a little better and better.  Nothing dramatic but going in the right direction.  Still using one crutch to get around the house and walk the neighborhood as have a limp without it and want to focus on good form.  But can ditch the crutch and hobble around the house for a bit if needed.  Can put on shoe and sock ok by bending knee out to the right and bring foot up (I have long arms so can reach feet).  It’s been 3 weeks now, so my doc says I can get the wound submerged.  Will try the pool later this week.

Physical Therapist says I am getting stronger – doing 20 minutes on recumbent bike, longer walks, can lift leg without pain, and doing leg presses on the machine.  Some occasional clunking noise in the hip or tissue when applying considerable weight machines but it is not painful, and there is no clunk when just stretching.  Hardest thing to do is lie on my left side with a pillow between knees, and lift up the right knee (sideways clam).  Muscle just doesn't respond yet.  Therapist says once this kicks in, I'll be on the way to walking without a limp. 

Expect to drive my car by this weekend and hopefully back to work on Monday.  Ideally with no limp and no crutch but we’ll see.  Am working halftime from home on the computer.  Sleeping better – not taking any pain pills or sleeping pills.  Was able to lay down on my surgery side for the first time without pain from the surgery site – this is major as I was not able to do this before the surgery due to the arthritis.  None of the other arthritis pain is there either so I am very happy.


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2010, 01:09:56 AM »
4 Week Update - Monday, October 18, 2010:
This past week I had accelerated progress.  Each day my right hip felt better and better...maybe due to regular intense physical therapy I am doing, or maybe just because time keeps passing by.

Saturday I tried driving for the first time and it was no problem at all.  I have a Jeep which is a bit high, so my only slight issue was getting my leg up and into the car.  I went slow and careful to minimize pain in the hip.  But once inside, driving was no problem at all.  It is a stick shift, but I didn't even notice the hip while driving.  It was a great feeling.  Getting out of the car was again slow and careful as there is still some tightness in the joint.

Went to work today for the first time.  So, 4 weeks off in total.  Drove myself, walked up the flight of stairs without crutch (slight limp) and did a full 10 hours mixing up sitting at desk with walking to meetings and to say Hi to people after a month  off.  My leg didn't hurt all day and I did not use the crutch all  day.  I did limp a little bit (people noticed), but I am sure that will go away in another  week or two.  No  pain.   All the original arthritis pain is gone.  I was able to sit for long periods (3 hours straight once) without pain.  Never needed to lie down or ice or anything else.  

Can do side clams easier now, and doing 30 min recumbent bike rides, leg lifts with weights on ankles, can easily get into shower, and put  on shoes and socks (slowly), and take long (multi-mile) walks.  Can sleep on my stomach, sides, no problem at all.  Can bring my knee almost to my chest and  ROM has increased dramatically.  Everything is going well (clunking noise occasionally, but expect that  to go away too).  Surgery site has healed nicely and no pain.  Haven't tried swimming yet but hope to do so soon.  Will  see the doctor for the 6 checkup in two weeks.  I think I am very glad I went through this operation, and as many have said before, 'why didn't I do this sooner?'


« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 01:13:30 AM by TAJ »

Big Bill

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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2010, 09:49:29 AM »
Ted .....thats' great news ....it gets even  better as time passes. Continue at a steady pace . The pool was excellent training for me. I would like to hear of more Hippies out there that have the CORMET device,along with any new info /data from Pat about other Dr.'s that are using the Cormet. I just recently finished my 2 year study group(DR. Kreuzer) that monitored my progress. All is good ! Ted ....maybe you can find out how many resurfacings Dr. Schmalzried has done using the Cormet to date and keep your fellow Hippies informed! Thanks in advance ,

                  Big Bill    C.A.S.H.  8)


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2010, 03:05:10 PM »
Great news and congratulations! I'm about where you are (a bit farther, 7 weeks along) and doing pretty much the same things. Keep positive and keep going.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2010, 10:05:49 PM »
I also have a cormet, the smaller size. (female 38 yesterday)  I seem to be doing well, just extra carefull due the more problematic stories with the smaller heads.  My Physical Therapist seems to also have me at a slower pace but I am doing fine on one crutch now at 3.5 weeks.  I can hobble a bit in the kitchen without a crutch but also notice major limp and want to have best form too. I do need to build more strenth.  I have a bit of a clunking/popping without pain when I move sometimes but seems many others do too.  I just want to be cautious and do not mind if I have to wait longer to ease into this miricale device.  If it works out for me I will be so greatful since I am so young and a total Hip would have been depressing for me.  Please keep posting how you are doing you are just ahead of me and it is an inspiration.  :-)

I wonder when I will be crutch free? 


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2010, 11:02:27 PM »
Hi Crash.  Thanks for writing and glad to hear your recovery is going well too.  Sounds like you're very similar to my recovery...with the big limp at 3.5 weeks.  Me too, but keep using the crutch to keep your form.  You won't need it much longer.  Big Bill asked for how many Cormet devices are out there in hippi-land, and you're one more.  Good that you're taking it extra careful - no need to rush, right? 

For me, I was comfortable to drop the crutch and cane a few days before week 5, meaning 5 days ago on Saturday.  After taking a 2 mile walk and only carrying the crutch to use as a rest at stop lights, I decided to drop all walking aids from  now on.  I went to work Monday, Tuesday, and today with just my two legs and although had some stiffness for a few minutes after getting  up from my chair or out of the car, it went away quickly and was able to walk nearly normal (still just a slight limp and no pain).  It is great to take a break from the office, walk to the nearby coffee shop without crutch, walk up the stairs unaided, and have people say "I can't believe how well you are progressing".  Really - every day I wake up and it feels noticeably better.

Of course I wish to be progressed to 100% normal with no limp and running/jogging again and forget that I have an implant, but I know that will  come soon within a few months.  My physical therapist has me doing aggressive weight training now (leg press, hip machines with increased weight, arc trainer runs with high resistance, sideways leg lifts with ankle weights) and have no pain other than regular muscle building pain that goes away.  Still can not do internal rotation as that is my only restriction.  My Physical Therapist says she is thinking of changing her advice to other  hip patients because of me (I am her first resurfacing) - she used to believe that through aggressive stretching and strengthening the hip pain may go away, but now she sees how well I've done with the surgery and so may recommend people to do the HR much sooner.

I see the doctor next Thursday for my 6-week checkup and will report back.  Big  Bill - as you asked I will ask the Doc how many Cormets he does.  Hernanu - thanks for  writing and glad you are doing well too.



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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2010, 01:51:00 AM »
Hi Taj - in case you check this site - you're seeing Dr. S on Nov. 4? What time? My very first appt there is 11am that day.


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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2010, 02:19:24 PM »
Hi Berkeley Girl.  I'll be there at 11:30 on the 4th, so will likely see you there.  Feel free to ask him if you can speak with me if you'd like and you can verify that yes I am indeed walking around fine after 6 weeks!

Also ask him as many questions as you'd like.  He was very patient with me as I asked about all what to expect.  He also had a lot of examples of resurfacing devices that I played with and got me comfortable with them (I took a cell phone picture of the ball and cup which was used many times to show my family and friends what would be going inside of me).

See you tomorrow.



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Re: Right Hip done by Dr. Schmalzried using Cormet device
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2010, 03:55:33 PM »
6-Week Checkup:  All went well.  The Doctor took xrays from different views and said everything looks great.  I asked for the acetabulum cup angle to the hip and he measured it at 45 degrees, which I guess is where it should be.  He said the pelvis bone has likely already grown into the acetabulum cup so it should be fixed in place.  I asked when I can start jogging/running, and he said I could do it now if I want, but he recommends waiting another 6 weeks (3-months total after surgery before running).  I will take his advice and wait for street running, but did so some light jogging today on the sand at the beach.  Felt good to run and have the wind in my face, but still had some very slight pain on impact so will not overdo it.  I asked about the clunking or "silent painless slips" that occur in the joint, and he said that was normal for 6-week patients but doesn't hear many of the same stories at 6-months - so it will likely go away.  I asked about getting back on the road bike (and clipping my shoes in the pedal), and he said there was no problem in doing that - just don't fall off and get hit by a car he said!

I had the Cormet implant, size 54 femoral head and size 60 acetabulum cup.  He uses two products; the Converse Plus and the Cormet.  He uses the Cormet for larger people (I'm 6'5") as he says although both devices are very similar, the Cormet is his preference for bigger boned people.  Something about a little longer neck on the femoral implant I think.  He has done many many of both he says.  He gave me another 4 weeks RX for physical therapy for twice per week and I'll keep doing it.  Next time I see the doctor is on my 1-year anniversary, unless something goes wrong.

At the Dr. Office saw another patient who had the surgery the same day as me and we recovered in the hospital together.  He was also very happy with his recovery and had ditched the crutches and cane after 8 days and returned to work after only 2 weeks.  He also was most bothered by the clunking, but expects it to go away too.  Also saw Berkeley Girl who was getting evaluated for the surgery.  Not sure of  the outcome, but if you're reading BG, I hope it went well and keep us posted.

So in summary, prior to surgery I had constant pain in the hip joint and limped and couldn't even walk a few blocks without wanting to stop.  Now, 6-weeks after surgery, all that pain is gone and I'm walking much further than in the past year.  I still have tightness and some soreness on various range of motion activities and can not stand on my leg for more than about 30 seconds, but this is apparently normal for soft tissue damage after the surgery and all should be fine after 3 months - when I start running again!

All the best to all going through the same thing.




Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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