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3 week check done today
« on: September 30, 2010, 07:41:14 PM »
The x rays came back with perfect placement. My angle is spot on at 42 degrees. Dr. Hickman was pleased with my activities and indicated to continue doing as much as I would like, but watch for inflammation and fatigue. We did a ceremonial disposal of the TEDS and can stop blood thinners on Saturday. He gave me the okay to start riding the bike outside, when I feel confident enough. He suggested that I could return to light jogging in 5 weeks. It appears every doctor has their protocol. I am not concerned about when I can start running , but it sure was nice to hear that things are progressing in that direction. Basically, his direction is not to be reckless however, don't be afraid of using the new hip either. The crutch is optional, but we agreed to use it as an aid to walk without a limp. He had me walk unassisted and felt as though my limp is so slight that in a week or so all limping should subside. ROM was reviewed and I am much improved from pre surgery levels.

Dr. Hickman is very pro resurfacing and indicated that my experience to date is similar with other patients. Given the options, he feels that insurance companies should direct all patients who qualify to a resurface. Less pain, quicker recovery, and better overall quality of life. Once again, I can't express how grateful I am to have found this web site and for all those who posted in the past. I was well on my way to a total hip replacement and I can't imagine what I would have felt like if I would have gone that direction and then found out the alternative, hip resurface was a perfect solution.

For individuals seeking alternatives look very hard at resurfacing. My background is that of a 58 year old male who participated in endurance events the past 32 years. Primarily running, 80,000 miles and 30 marathons. My most active years I ran 100 mile weeks. One and a half years ago my life crashed when I was told that I needed a new hip and that my running days were over. I also have skied since I was 8 years old and was told that a lot of terrain that I enjoy skiing would be on the do not do list. Additionally, a hip replacement would have restricted a number of other activities that I enjoy. I came across surface hippy, studied my rear end off and sought out a Dr. who specialized in resurfacing. As you can read above, my outcome is quite different than the one I was originally signing on for (total hp). To think that I will soon be running and skiing in January is beyond my dreams. All I can say is find a surgeon who specializes in resurfacing, find out if you are a candidate and then don't look back. Thanks Pat!  Rick


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Re: 3 week check done today
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2010, 03:18:01 PM »
Congratulations on the good news!  It must be so nice to be on your way back to an active lifestyle.  I look forward to joining you and all the other surface hippies on the other side in less than a month!  Your post is encouraging. :)

Right BHR 11/8/10
revised to THR 12/13/10
Dr. John Keggi


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Re: 3 week check done today
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 06:08:17 PM »
renee, thanks for your reply. all i can say is at this point, lees than 4 weeks out, i am basically doing everything as normal. i am working, and have the benefit to choose when and how long, but for the most part the past 2 days i did 5-6 hours. today was a heavy day with my workout and conditioning. so, i walked 8 mile this a.m in 2 hours and 45 minutes and did life cycle stationary bike for an hour in the afternoon (medium resistance). half of the time walking i used a walking stick and the other half without.(one mile assisted one mile unassisted) I always focuson keeping form and if i break form without the aid i immediately use the stick until i feel that i am back using a good gait. i am off of blood thinners today, the ted socks were discarded at the doctors office last thursday. i keep a walking stick with me at all times to make sure that i am walking with good form. the walking stick is much easier than a crutch. basically, it is a ski pole without the basket. the only medication at this point is celebrex for inflammation.

i keep saying pre op conditioning is a key to recovery. long walks like today may seem like an inordinate amount of time, but i have spent a life time of endurance activities which are always 2 hours plus training. my body is use to it and so far is handling things well even having the major surgery so recently. if you have time before your surgery make sure that you hit all aspects of conditioning that you are able. resistance train for strength at least 3 days a week and really push hard. try and put in an hour of aerobic condition. do what ever your body can do without pain. if it is elliptical do that, cycling do that, or swimming is perfect. if needed mix up each activity for 20 minutes in able to get in an hour. push hard! your body will be accustomed to hard work when you go into surgery and  hopefully, will be able to endure more in recovery. dr. hickman indicated to me at my check up that his patients that do the best are the ones who are accustom working out daily. it sure has worked for me. best of luck! rick


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Re: 3 week check done today
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2010, 01:22:02 PM »
Hi Rick!
 I, too, have enjoyed your posts and hearing about your recovery. I think that being in as good as shape as possible before surgery really does make the difference in recovery. I believe too many people wait until they can't move anymore before they make the leap to surgery (and therefore their weight gets out of control, too which of course, just makes the problem worse!). When I was at my wit's end last spring, and the Dr told me "no more Rx's for pain- you've had enough" He gave me the option of surgery (I wanted to wait until this winter) or "you'll just have to adjust your lifestyle to doing what you can (without pain med.) until your ready to have HR" Well, I knew what that meant. Sitting on the couch, using a cane, and getting fat and out of shape! So anyway, glad I did it when I did (June 2nd). I was back to doing most anything I felt like (uncluding horseback riding) within 3 months. I'm hoping these comments may help anyone with the "is it time  yet?" question.
 Keep up the conditioning. Happy healing! Lu
F age 45 right hip C+ Dr.Sparling 6/02/10

Big Bill

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Re: 3 week check done today
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2010, 03:24:58 PM »
Big Bill here,  Way to go Rick ! Welcome to the other side and the road to getting back your active lifestyle.

Big Bill, C.A.S.H.



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