Hi Rebecca
There really isn't much to do with the incision. I was lucky and had only disolvable stitches which makes for a really nice incision and eventually scar. Many people have a lot of staples which I don't think gives as nice of scar eventually.
Maybe you should talk to your doctor about what he/she likes to use and see if you have any choice. I have always had strange skin and scared very easily. So I has happy to have just the stitches.
Some people have had their incision glued and some have had steri strips. Only the people going overseas usually get waterproof bandages. In Belgium they put waterproof bandages on so you can get into the pool for therapy a few days after surgery.
So there are many options and you need to ask what they are from your doctor.
After the incision starts to heal in a few weeks, you can rub vitamine E oil on it. That is recommended by many PTs and doctors to help it heal. You can't do it right away though, you need to wait a few weeks. Again it is always good to ask your doctor.
My incision itched a lot. It still itches some and I am 1 month short of 2 years post op. It is still a little tender if I sit on a hard bench or chair. You really get sliced and diced and it takes your body a long time to heal.
Some people get adhesions and get some massage therapy to break it up months after surgery. During my first year, I would walk without any pain or incisoin problem, but after a long walk when I sat down - it felt like my incision was pulling apart. Of course it has healed over, but I am guessing I had some adhesions. It eventually got better.
Almost everything gets better if you give it time.