I am making the necessary preparation to have a RBHR the end of the month, as noted in another thread. But one of the driving forces behind this decision is my desire to return to the world of martial arts. I have more than 20 years of experience in Taekwondo, and though I was never too involved in competition, it was a constant part of my life (and I would LOVE to train my daughters in the sport).
While testing for a step from 3rd to 4th dan, I subluxated my right hip, which is no easy task. It exacerbated my mild hip dysplasia and very effectively tore up my socket. Fast forward 3 and a half years, and I continue to exercise, and even teach cardio style kickboxing, but cannot execute techniques with anywhere near my earlier abilities. I tried several times to get back to training, but gave up from pain and lack of flexibility.
I am now wondering what success other martial artists have had in returning to the sport. What were your milestones? How easy/fast or difficult/slow was your recovery? Any advice or recommendations?