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Pat Walter

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I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« on: April 05, 2008, 03:58:54 PM »
I am posting this for Matt, he was having difficulty posting. He is looking for answers and support

I was wondering how I can post questions on this website, to interact with other people?
I am a 38 year old male, scheduled to have hip resurfacing done on April 17.  I originally injured my hip when I was 30, working as a football official.  It felt like a slight groin pull.  The pain eventually went away, so I didn't worry about it.  The following season, the pain started to come back, which made me think I had some type of tear.  I wasn't able to get it properly diagnosed until the fall of 2003.  In June 2004, I had a hip arthroscopy procedure done by Dr. Joseph McCarthy at New England Baptist Hospital.  He repaired what he could, but informed me after the surgery that there was some significant damage to the hip.  He mentioned I would be a candidate for a replacement someday, which I never considered as an option due to my age.  The procedure helped, but I did struggle on the football field the following fall with soreness.  I continue to work each fall now and just put up with the mild soreness.  I had also already given up running.  I used to run regularly to stay in shape and also ran a number of 5K and 10K road races each year.
Eventually, I found out about the BHR procedure and located Dr. Dan Snyder at Newton Wellesley Hospital in Newton, MA.  I have a lot of confidence in Dr. Snyder and his confidence level is very high that I will be able to return to running and an overall high level of activity.
My dilemma is that I am not sure if I should go forward with the procedure.  I can do most everything I want or need to do.  I just can't run anymore and I haven't tried playing basketball, but assume I would feel sore right away.  For the most part, I fell some soreness in the groin area, but it's not debilitating.  I want to find other people that have had the resurfacing procedure done while suffering from soreness and limitations similar to me.  I feel like I should be in more pain before getting such a major surgery.  I would appreciate any feedback.  I am considering postponing the surgery until January of 2009.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 03:01:31 PM by Pat Walter »
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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Pat Walter

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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2008, 03:59:50 PM »
Hi Matt
You can join Hip Talk  http://www.surfacehippy.info/hiptalk/     Just register is a user name and password.  Then you can post questions and replies.  THere are over 400 people on the group.
You can also join the Yahoo Surface Hippy Group of over 7000 people    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/surfacehippy/

I think it is really up to you as to when you have a hip resurfacing.  If your life has not come to a stand still and you live on pain meds, you might not want major surgery.  Most of us could do nothing before surgery.  No medicines would kill the pain and we could not sleep at night.
The one thing about hip resurfacing is there is a window of opportunity.  If your hip gets too bad, you can't have a hip resurfacing - you would need a THR. 
Your doctor should be able to evaluate that for you.  I would normally get a couple experienced hip resurfacing surgeons input personally.  I am not, however, medically trained.  I just like to be able to have a choice and knowledge before I go into major surgery.
I think the discussion groups will give you other people to talk to.  Most of the people on the groups have had very bad hips and pain.  They did not have much choice about getting a new hip.
You are very young and should try to have a hip resurfacing if you need a new hip.
Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Pat Walter

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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2008, 04:00:15 PM »
Hi Pat,
Thanks for the feedback.  For the most part, I don't take any meds.  I do get sore after going to the gym.  For the most part, my exercise is limited to biking, elypto-rider and swimming.  I don't run anymore.  However, once in a while I will run for 10 minutes on the tred mill to see how sore I get afterwards.  I did attend a pre-op class last week to help prepare for the surgery.  There was one other patient in the class and I would guess he was about 48-50.  He needed a cane to walk and couldn't wait to have the surgery.  I was really hoping to meet someone similar to me as I feel like I should be more debilitated before having this surgery.  When I pose those type of questions to the "experts", the feedback is that the curve is shifting to younger people that want to get back the activity they've lost as apposed to people whose hip pretty much prevents from doing much at all.
Obviously, it's a major surgery and once you do it you can't go back, which has me contemplating if I really should go through with it at this time.  Both my doctor and another doctor I received a 2nd opinion from said I am a very good candidate.  However, it's my body and I am not so sure yet.
I will try the link below.  I tried posting on the surfacehippy web site but couldn't figure out how to do it?
Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Pat Walter

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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2008, 04:00:45 PM »
If you are having those nagging feelings that the time is not right - I would listen to them.  Until you are convienced this is the right decision - it is not the thing to do.  You need to listen to yourself. 
If you need more info, ask the doctors.  You must feel that you need and want the surgery.  It is only YOUR DECISION.  No one elses.
THere have never been many younger people that don't have pain and are very limited in their activities.  The doctors must be seeing much more than you are feeling.  Sometimes people have hips in terrible condition and don't have that much pain while others don't have as serious problems, but are in terrible pain.  Pain is not the only consideration for having a hip replaced.  It is, however, the main reason most of us have done so.
Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 05:32:35 AM »
Hi Matt,
I am in a similar boat.  I am 51 and scheduled for BHR on 4/30/08.  Since I scheduled the surgery my pain seems to be less (psychological or I have just curtailed my activities so much)?  I, too, was wondering if I was rushing into this surgery?   I used to run and gave that up 3 years ago.  I love tennis but have cut that down from 3-4 days a week to less than once a week.  I limp a little but definitely more after activity.  I, also, am still quite active, exercise almost daily, biking and tennis.  But last Thursday I did play tennis for 2 hours and after an hour I could tell I was limping and not moving like i would like.  I am scheduled for Pre-op class this Thursday and the other pre-op stuff.  I am going to do it.  I also think I have a high pain tolerance because I am told I am "bone on bone" and a good candidate. 


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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 10:30:28 AM »
Hi folks. I am now 12 days post op after having similar concerns prior to surgery. I was always very active, but after an injury 3 years ago, I had bouts of significant pain. It did get better, and I was able to go back to many of my same activities, but not as before. Sitting for long peroids (more than an hour) was uncomfortable. I had to alter my gait to walk without pain (people asked me why I was limping, but I didn't even notice I was). I couldn't tie my shoes unless coming in from the side, and my knee would come no where near my chest (unlike the other side), but I could power through workouts, teach fitness classes, and still do some limited running.

I made the decision based on a "window of opportunity" -- I'm a 42 year old man. I wanted to reclaim important parts of my life, and knew surgery was in the cards at some point, and figured doing it while I was young and strong would make the process easier. At 12 days post op, I'm back at my office, can make it around with a cane, and managed an upper body workout yesterday.

If you do decide it's time, the first several days will be difficult and you'll seriously question the wisdom of your decision. Seven days out you'll see some light at the end of the tunnel. It was a decision I made with the strong input of family and friends. They may be able to judge how your pain is affecting your quality of life more than you can alone.

Happy to answer any questions.


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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2008, 02:36:37 PM »
i am now 16 days post-op and 38 years old. my story is very similar to clarkefan also to anna.

like anna, the week before surgery had me questioning whether i really wanted to do it. the pain seemed to have subsided a lot and i felt pretty good. i was also very nervous about having surgery because i have never had surgery or any major injuries. my level of pain tolerance had increased over the years to where my 5 would have been most people's 10. but, had i not taken the opportunity now and continued activities even with the pain, it is possible i would not have been a candidate in a year or so and would have had to resort to thr.

like clarkefan, i wanted to be able to get back to activities i love (and try some new things as well) without being limited by pain or severe lack of flexibility and range of motion.

the first few days are a little rough, but i am amazed by how easy of a recovery this has been. my surgeon is very conservative, so i will be on crutches for 6 weeks, but all surgeons are different. i go for my first post-op x-ray tomorrow and find out how things are coming along. i am excited about a summer without limitations!
dr. john evans
3/24/08 rbhr


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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2008, 04:52:50 PM »
This thread is exactly what I was looking for.  I am in the exact same boat as so many of you.  I cannot put a sock on or tie shoes without sitting moving my knee to the side and then with much strain.  I am not bone on bone but have been in contact with Dr Rogerson's office and plan to do it in the next year or so.  But at times I feel like I should be in more pain, but I realize that the less pain I have = the less fun I have.  I just plain miss being active. 
left biomet Dr. Gross 10-22-08


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Re: I don't know if I need a hip resurfacing yet
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2008, 10:15:07 AM »
I'm in the same boat , 43 and my activity has beome more and more limited over the last 10 years. Although not in constant pain I have a very distinct limp. After casual activity is when the pain sets in. If I work out hard or try to play basketball briefly I'm terribly sore for the next 3-4 days. I've made the decision to get Resurfacing in the coming year and am consulting local Ortho's. GOOD LUCK



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