Anna, one thing I see in all of your posts is your love of life. That type of vibrancy and happy lack of dourness is a refreshing and invigorating pool of happiness in you.
I think all hippies to some degree are wells of hope, striding on despite the harsh turn we've been dealt. There are few people who are not hippies who understand the battle we've fought and are fighting still. The lovely thing is to see those we love and who love us try to help and be what we need in our struggle and recovery.
The rest of the people won't understand, they see us young and can't see beyond that to where this is an affliction like any other. Someone who wouldn't dream of saying the same about a handicapped person seems to have no issue with remonstrating with someone who has arthritis. In some respects, it is accepted to be so cavalier with it since we don't bear our wounds externally and they have no concept of the pain involved.
So in my pain, I grew to trust those people who understand or who try to understand. The rest of the people, including old and trusted friends who just don't get it I put on a shelf until my struggle is over. I cut them some slack, they are not capable, so they need time out, living on my shelf until I get to a point where they can be friends, although I do remember their lack of capability.
Take your opportunity for life. I've never understood waiting in increasing pain for some future time when you can minimize the number of revisions. Life is meant to be lived in its full measure, not in some limbo of pain. Like ruby mentioned in another thread, trust in your surgeon, keep up your spirits and in due time (wishing a quick turnaround for you) you'll be fixed and listening to us boring you with calls for patience

. Until then, my heart does go out to you, but I know you'll fight to a good conclusion.
We all could go tomorrow, or we could last much past our expected expiration date. The great part about being human is the lack of that knowledge - you're right, why not make it as happy and beautiful as possible?
Let the Anna awesomeness continue.