I'm 8 weeks post op and, so far, very happy with my recovery process. I've been walking without any aids for about a week now. I'm doing lots of rehab and I continue to see progress every day.
The only area that hasn't seemed to respond is my "start up stiffness". Whenever I get out of bed in the morning or up from having been sitting for 1/2 hour or more, I am very stiff and walk with a significant limp. The stiffness/soreness is mainly in the front hip flexor area, which is where my incision was (ironically, this is the exact area in which I felt the pain before my surgery). This discomfort usually subsides within about 5 minutes of weight bearing walking and I can go into a normal stride without any pain. The first 5 minutes are pretty sad-looking, however.
I'm just curious as to how many others have had this type of "start-up" discomfort and how long before it went away.