Hi everyone,
I'm a long-time reader and lately an infrequent poster mainly because, like so
many of us, I've been doing so well that I don't ever think about my hips except
when I go through the airport metal detector. My 1 year anniversary for
bilateral with Dr. Gross is coming up at the end of January and I'm back to
extensive hiking, cycling, some light trail jogging, telemark and xc skiing and
power yoga. I even hike multiple times per week with my 25-lb daughter on my
back in a pack :-)
I've really had no pain or issues at all in either hip since probably June of
last year other than just getting more strength and ROM back with each passing
month. I was actually surprised when I started to get back into jogging again
that I really had almost no pain afterwards. I started off very slowly with a
walk/run program at 9-months post op and am now up to running for about 45
minutes on trails 1 or 2 times per week. I've progressed a lot in yoga since last summer when I couldn't do any of the balancing poses and still lacked a lot of ROM but I've made a lot of improvements and am much stronger and more balanced at this point.
In any case, the point of my post is that somehow in the last week I seem to
have really irritated the heck out of something in my left hip/groin from yoga? (that's when it seemed to start but I can't identify a specific thing I did and now its hurting from just any kind of workout). I wouldn't even be concerned enough to type up this email except that it is the
first time I've even needed to ice and take NSAIDs in more than 6 months and I
know I really tweaked something. It wasn't bothering me at all with skiing and
running last weekend and then I was in agony after a yoga class on Tuesday
night. It didn't hurt at all during the class - just for hours afterwards and was gone by
the next day. I didn't think much of it until I went back a few nights later and the pain came back and has persisted off and on throughout the last few days - its not terrible but its noticeable even with NSAIDs and iceand its bothering me at rest. I know that if it were something with the implant
than I would probably know immediately and would be in a lot more pain but I
just have that lurking fear that I somehow did something that will cause
long-term problems that come and go...which is exactly what I was hoping to
avoid with this surgery! My whole hip is really stiff and achey and I feel twinges in the groin and outer hip area. This hip is definitely the one that healed more slowly overall ~ it was the one which I fell on in the immediate post-op period (just back onto the toilet -nothing too serious) so I always have that in the back of my mind as 'what if the bone never grew into the cup'? Its just odd to me that I didn't have any significant problems earlier on as I was recovering and then this happened. I would think that if something was mal-positioned or didn't allow for correct ingrowth than it would have never really healed the way it did?
I've read through many posts about post-op problems but really this was out of the blue for me - I was doing perfectly without any pain for the last 6 months and this happened out of nowhere. I'm going back to see Dr. Gross next week for my 1 year check-up so of course I can talk to him then but I had hoped to have better news to share:-( I'm going to take the rest of the week off of exercise and just see what happens but I'm definitely more nervous than I've been since the first few months after surgery.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Bilateral Biomet, Dr. Gross, 1/23/12 & 1/25/12