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Lovenox Vs. xeralto
« on: April 30, 2013, 12:29:07 PM »
Time flies and now the details...
I have two specialists with two varying opinions on the blood thinner to use after surgery.  I have a history of thrombosis so it is of great concern to me.
Hematologist likes Lovenox because it has proven studies behind it.  She is "leary" of xeralto because it has no "antidote" in the event there is excessive bleeding.  Having had to take lovenox for two weeks - twice, post arthroscopic hip surgery - I would much rather take xeralto.
The surgeon's protocol s xeralto. 
Basically - from what I understand - Lovenox has no antidote either. 
I could barely stand the Lovenox for two weeks and I will have to be on blood thinners for one month. 
One doc says xeralto - the other Lovenox.
ANy non-medical, educated, experienced opinions??

Dr Gross, Right hip, 3/21/18


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Re: Lovenox Vs. xeralto
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 04:07:19 PM »
Hey Claudia,

great question. i just had my BHR on 4/17/13 and on xarelto. I am actually an ER doctor and know a little bit about the 2. they thin your blood out by 2 different mechanisms but the end result is the same. Xarelto is fairly new and is easier to take and had a great marketing strategy where lovenox has been around alot longer with more studies but  is a pain to take. there is no reversal agents and as an ER doc this is what ifear more than anything b/c if one falls and hits their head and bleeds inside there brain we can't stop it, but at the same time we dont want a blood clot.

In your case i dont know what type of clotting disorder you have but that is important b/c lovenox works at a different stage in the clotting cascade. Lets say you have a factor 5 deficiency then lovenox wuld be better . Do you know what you have? Also a Hematologist specializes in this area and has alot more knowledge than an orthopedist about blood clotting. I would listen to the hematologist if i were you but i am not supposed to give medical advice. Ha Ha.


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Re: Lovenox Vs. xeralto
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 06:53:17 PM »
PGYMD -Thank you for the info.  I do not have a factor V deficiency.  Does Lovenox have an antidote? 
How are you progressing so soon after the BHR?
I'm curious as to how the recover compares to having hip arthroscopy.  The second time, the surgeon did microfractures and I was on crutches for at least a month.  The rehab was difficult - even without the incision.  I'm not looking forward to that but the end result is that I will hopefully, once again, be able to hike a mountain.  (now - I can't even put the treadmill incline  on 2!)
That is if I can get my insurance to cooperate.  My surgery is scheduled tentatively for June and I am hoping to go to Volcan Baru in Panama December.
Keep us up to date on your recovery. 
Thank you again...
Dr Gross, Right hip, 3/21/18


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Re: Lovenox Vs. xeralto
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 10:21:00 PM »

I am sorry you are having to deal with all the BS while you are suffering. Hope that gets sorted out.
What caused your prior blood clot? There is no antidote for lovenox, but in the latest studies comparing the 2 there was more risk of bleeding from xarelto.

I am 2 weeks and 1 dy out of surgery and was doing pretty well but developed some groin and knee pain probably b/c i over did it. havent had to take any pain meds since surgery. Our hospital does alot of hip arthroscopies and i think the recovery from that is more painful and longer.

hope that helps . good luck.



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