

Author Topic: Did anyone suffer pain travelling down the leg to the knee before your op  (Read 2285 times)

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Im struggling with pain at the moment travelling down my leg to around the knee area, is that common I'm only having a decent nights sleep on painkillers before bed, I can manage in the day, it really is time to get myself sorted, and stop putting it off but I do have a holiday booked for August, also does anyone know once you have had the op how long do you have to wait to do a 2half hour flight
Thanks again
This is a great site I wished I had found it before.


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My referred pain has extended down my leg to my knee....and below the knee down the outside of my leg.  The specialist who performed arthroscopy on my hip in June 2011 defined 'hip pain' to include all the other referred pain patients like us feel: lower back pain, groin pain, glute pain, knee pain.  Also, pain on the opposite side of the bad hip can occur do to over compensation. Right now I'm getting pain on the ball of my left foot below the baby toe because I'm clearly walking wrong because my right hip is getting worse.
Expect anything....I'm sure others here have experienced the same.


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Hi! Thought I had responded to this earlier, but must have messed it up.

Yes I had pain running down the side of my thigh to my knee. Sometimes I thought it went even lower. Misdiagnosed as sciatica, but now I believe was referred hip pain. Since my surgery (April 2012) the leg pain disappeared. The thigh pain was gone pretty quickly (days? weeks?) aside form temporary pain derived from the surgery (they really pull you apart good). The knee pain took longer to go away, maybe a couple, a few, months. It is now gone. I though I was going to need a knee replacement as well, but now I don't think so. The loss of the knee pain has been the most pleasant post-surgery surprise. Of course, now I am getting it in my un-operated hip as that guy deteriorates...

As far as flying goes, I flew the same length flight three days post-surgery and my doctor didn't caution me or anything. I think his web-site addresses this issue, though. Check it out, Dr. Gross in South Carolina. It is a very useful site.

Good luck,

RHR April 2012.
LHR March 2014.

Both Biomet Magnum/Recap 54/48, by Dr. Thomas Gross.


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Hi Jaks111,

I had pain like a lightning bolt that traveled from my groin (inside of my leg) to my knee.  It would happen if I stood for a few minutes or walked a short distancce.  I just had my surgery about two weeks ago, and the pain was gone after I woke up from surgery!  I'm still amazed at how great I feel even though I'm still recovering.

I know people fly soon after surgery.  I flew more than two hours to get back home to Cleveland a few days after surgery.  You'd have to talk to your surgeon to see what he or she recommends though.  From my experience and the advice I've read on this website, picking your surgeon is very important.  I'm glad I talked to more than one.  All of the details seem to flow from there.

Best of luck!
RH, uncemented Biomet, Dr. Gross & Lee Webb
RH, uncemented Biomet, Dr. Gross & Lee Webb


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Yes, I had this a lot leading up to my op which removed any doubts in my head as to whether I should be having surgery. It's referred pain I'm sure & it would shoot down to my knee and stay there for a while until I walked it off. It mostly used to hit after sitting - especially in our car with low bucket type seats & I did not need to be sitting for long. I'd get out of the car and my knee would get the pain and literally lock up, I'd have to stand still holding onto the car until the pain subsided enough to move - painful! :o
Mine went immediately after my BHR and I've not had this type of knee pain post op. :D
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 10:03:24 PM by Kiwi »
LBHR 11/23/2011
56mm Head
Hugh Blackley (BHR Trained with Ronan Treacy)
Use it or lose it!

Marco Polo

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Kiwi-  yours was a perfect description of the pain I experienced with my knee locking up before I had hip surgery. It was both frustrating and embarrassing to have to wait and adjust my leg after standing from a seated position before I could walk comfortably. 

Fortunately the pain resolved itself after my resurfacing.
Marco, RBHR, Della Valle, 3/29/13


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Good luck on your timing decision Jaks111
My pre-op pain manifested itself in the knee and thigh area to which my first self-diagnosis thought that I had a knee ligament tear. I had this dull ache that extended to the shin/calf and even more to the thigh. After a mobility test and xrays review with the family doc and conclusion that it was osteo arth in the the right hip, he said that the hip is dynamically linked and very common that people get the pain in other nerve parts and not the hip itself (many others commented on back and glutes)
When it progressed to bone on bone, then it was different and like an electric shock to the hip area itself.
On travel of 2.5 hours, I followed the advice of Dr. Gross (I am now 7 weeks post-op) and did travel day 3 post-op. I found the swelling pain peaked day 2. Try to get extra leg room it is worth it. I had to clear customs to Canada and that was an additional iirritant since crutching that distance was impossible - airport wheelchairs are iron buckets and had no choice but to have a short term 90 degrees sit which ev1 suggests you avoid in the first several weeks
My knee/leg pain - gone immediately after the HR
Bilateral 99.9% Canadian,.1% USA re; BHRP (right) -3/21/13 Biomet uncemented - Dr. Gross / Lee Webb Columbia South Carolina
BHRP (left) standard uncemented Dr Emil Schemitsch sept 25/17
London Ontario Canada
Damn Osteoarthritis!!


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Re flight question: After my operation, I had a 1 hour drive to airport, then 1 hour plane trip, then another 30 minute drive plus all the walking (with crutches) at airport either end. I did this on the 3rd day after my op. Took no ice but wished I had. They gave me some (drugs) on the plane which was great. I was uncomfortable as I'm 6.4" (195cm) tall and little leg room. It's definitely doable that early, but take ice, meds & most of all, your surgeon's advice.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 05:11:17 PM by Kiwi »
LBHR 11/23/2011
56mm Head
Hugh Blackley (BHR Trained with Ronan Treacy)
Use it or lose it!


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Thanks for all the replies I'm still waiting for another referral appointment with a surgeon that does both operations as I know what I want and that's the re surfacing as long as its suitable for me
Many thanks will stay in touch.


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Hello, I am new to SH, and also have pain radiating down my thigh, groan, and knee. I was diagnosed with mild/moderate OA, which by itself does not make me a candidate for BHR. However, after months of this additional pain mentioned above, my Ortho finally ordered a MRI with dye, and I have a torn/detached labral, with cysts on the femur. Made a doctors appointment with Dr. Brooks PA this week. After the consultation they informed me that I am a candidate for BHR. I asked to have it fast tracked and my surgery is scheduled for June 18th, and pre-op on June 6. I sure hope I have the same wonderful results others have had, as I am so tired of the pain, taking pain pills and NSAID's, and generally not being able to do much. The groin pain has increased in the past 2 weeks, just hope I don't become totally disabled prior to the surgery.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 11:53:40 AM by bestbob »
RBHR June 18, 2013, Euclid General Ohio, Dr. Brooks



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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