I am a 58 year old surgeon, and I want to share with you my experience with BHR and Dr Sharat Kusuma.
First of all, I have always been very active and after being diagnosed with severe OA of the hip I did considerable research into the treatment alternatives and for many reasons decided that BHR was the appropriate choice for me. Fortunately, as a surgeon, I have a little better access to inside information, and choosing Dr Kusuma to do my procedure was an easy task. I had the opportunity to speak with a number of professionals (other surgeons, anesthesiologists, internists and operating room nurses and technicians) who all gave me glowing accounts of Dr Kusuma's professionalism, his surgical skills and his attention to detail that convinced me that he was the right surgeon for me.
I am now three weeks post operative and I am happy to report to you that I have done exceedingly well. I was able to be discharged from the hospital on the day of surgery. That isn't typical for this procedure but I have a lot of support at home ( a family full of physicians and my pharmacist wife) and was able to go home after receiving the requisite number of doses of IV antibiotics. I was able to return to work full time 10 days post operative. Again I doubt this is typical but I am that kind of guy and I have managed with little difficulty. I did have to get a little help the first day back putting on the little shoe covers we wear in the OR. Since that time I have felt stronger by the day and I am looking forward to being the active fellow I used to be without the hip pain that has plagued me for the past 4 years.