Here is an article about metal allergies by Dr. Bose
http://www.surfacehippy.info/pcskinallergies.php Normally the hip device does not bother people with skin allergies since the hip is deep inside your body.
You will want to be careful about what your orthopedic suggests. The new MOM - large ball Metal on Metal hip devices- are made of the same material as the BHR. So he/she would probably be suggesting one of the old fashioned plastic/metal THRs which would be terrible under any circumstance unless you are 70 or 80 years old. They dislocate very easily.
There are ceramic versions of the large ball total hips, but I would prefer a hip resurfacing any time over a THR.
I would suggest that you talk to some experienced surgeons that have been doing hip resurfacing for a long time. The newly trained surgeons doing the new BHR surgery are not experienced and are very conservative.
Here is my list of doctors that have experience
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.php and here are their statistics for how many resurfacings they have done
http://www.surfacehippy.info/doctorstatistics.php I would never use one of the newer surgeons to have my hip resurfaced. If you read
http://www.surfacehippy.info/pcselectingsurgeon.php how to choose a surgeon you will understand that hip resurfacing is as much an art as a learned skill. The learning curve is steep and I have studies that show a doctor needs 50 - 100 resurfs to be experienced. That would not be enough for me personally. I choose Dr. De Smet because he has done over 2500 hip resurfacings. Also I could not afford surgery in the US since I did not have health insurance. I still would have gone to De Smet even if I had insurance. It was a total of $16,000 for the whole trip and medical portion. You can do Dr. Bose in India for $10,000 to $12,000 total.
Please let me know if I can help with any other information. I will post your email without your email address on my Discussion Group to see if anyone else has any suggestions.