My husband suddenly began having hip pain late last winter. diagnosis was bone on bone...and a complete hip replacement. we scheduled the surgery (finally after lots and lots of pain pills, etc.) and then he decided he couldn't deal with them 'cutting his leg off'. He's 56 - very active farmer. He went through about two more weeks of excruciating pain, and rescheduled the surgery! (yeah, he did.) His surgery is actually scheduled for next Tuesday. Now, we have heard about the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing and that's exactly what he wants to do. He had a meeting with his surgeon last Thursday to discuss this option. His surgeon is trained in BHR technique, but according to your site, has done less than 50 resurfacings. And, he doesn't want to do that procedure on my husband, because he feels it shouldn't be done on patients over 45! He said he would do it, if that's what hubby really wanted, but that was not his recommendation. Now, after discovering your site, I'm really, really hesitant about even having this surgeon do the BHR because he doesn't seem to have enough experience in it, and maybe that's why he doesn't want to do it. He couldn't give my husband any clear, definite reason why - i.e. medical or physical - that the BHR wouldn't be the best option.
Have you ever heard of something like this? I truly hate to do it yet again, but I am seriously thinking of having him cancel the surgery yet a second time! We are about 2 hours away from Cleveland Clinic (Dr. Brooks) and I see that he has done at least 200 resurfacings, and seems to state in his statement exactly what my husband feels about cutting away the top of his femur. Suggestions? Advice? Help!
Dianna (wife of a future 'surface hippy')