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leg pain 3 months post op
« on: July 11, 2008, 02:04:46 PM »
After years of pain, I had a BHR.  It has gone much better than I expected.  I am 55 years old and was extremely active prior to surgery.   I was on crutches (nonweight bearing) for six weeks postop, due to some bone grafting.  I had virtually no pain and was able to sleep well. Physical therapy went well and by 11 weeks I was walking without any limp or pain whatsoever.  I hurt my back a little bit at week 9 and I had some nerve pain for a short time, but I got over it.  I was released from physical therapy.  At week 13, I started having what I would call "nerve pain" in both legs.  It seemed to be aggravated by walking the previous day.  I feel the pain now when I go upstairs, or when I stand up straight.  If I sit down, or bend over, it goes away.  It is the worst at night when I am stretched out straight. It can be very intense.  After I have been up awhile, and active, it usually subsides.  It has lasted now for over two weeks and might be getting a little better during the day, but not much at night.  Should I be concerned about this?  Any suggestions?  I have not been exercising.  Should I start exercising again, or continued to rest it?  I really appreciate this oppurtunity to share experiances and advice.

Pat Walter

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Re: leg pain 3 months post op
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 05:24:34 PM »

I am not a doctor, but people do have problems after their immediate post op recovery.  SInce you did not have the problem in the begining, it was probably not nerve damage - but again I am not a doctor.  It usually seems nerve damage is experienced in early recovery.

I have put a page together about groin pain and problems post op - normally caused by muscle problems.  It might be of help to you  http://www.surfacehippy.info/groinpain.php

I would also suggest you talk to your doctor.  Maybe he/she can sugggest some different PT for you.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: leg pain 3 months post op
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 02:14:04 PM »
Drop foot or nerve damage caused by hip surgery usually happens immediately.  I have not heard of any cases where it shows up several months down the road.  It sounds to me like it might have something to do with your back injury.  None of us are medical experts on this site, only patients ourselves.  I would highly recommend that you seek out a physiatrist or neurologist and get to the bottom of it.  It does not sound related to the hip surgery at all IMO.



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Re: leg pain 3 months post op
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2008, 05:43:47 PM »
Thank you for the responses.  I did not explain my question very well.  I am fairly certain that there was no nerve damage and that my pain is not a direct result of the surgery.  I think that walking properly after my many years of walking with a limp have put some strain on my back.  My question is whether or not my body may adjust with exercise, or if I need to do something else.  I would like to give my back a chance to adjust, but do not want to continue hurting something, if it needs to be addressed immediately. Has anyone else had a similar problem?  If so, how did you resolve it? Any suggestions would be appreciated


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Re: leg pain 3 months post op
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2008, 09:28:35 PM »

Same age, similar active background.

What was your ROM before surgery ?

After surgery ?

Back tight ? One or both sides ?

I am 9 weeks post op rt hip BHR
Back is tight, ROM rt hip stuck at 75 degrees.
Before surgery ROM 110 degrees. Many years of limp also.
Groin pain and sight top of incision pain.
Sometimes back tightens all the way to shoulders.
I even went to the ER one day the pain and tightness in the back was so bad.
I too have been exercising very regularly taking care of course.
I see my doctor in 2 weeks.

Too much exercise may be bad I am thinking.
Also being too strong and bull headed maybe waiting too long
makes the come back longer and limited ?

What did your doctor say ?
What are you doing or not doing ?



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Re: leg pain 3 months post op
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 09:57:51 AM »
First of all, I would ask my doctor or physical therapist about your problem.
After you were released from PT, did you continue to exercise and stretch? I could imagine getting muscle issues with the change in walking/moving if I did not continue to stay limber.
Good luck!
- Tom
RBHR 7/1/08


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Re: leg pain 3 months post op
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2008, 11:46:36 AM »
Thank you to those of you kind enough to reply.

First of all, let me say that the surgery has been wonderful.  I have had absolutely no joint pain whatsoever since the surgery.  I can sleep through the night for the first time in over five years.  Any pain I have had, no matter how intense, has not been the chronic gnawing pain that I have had for years with the bad hip.

In hindsight, I am fairly certain that my pain was a result of my muscles and skeleton adjusting to the changes in my hip.  My pain was both sides plus lower back and down both lesgs.  It moved some from day to day.  During early rehab, I got so used to successfully "pushing through" minor muscle soreness that it was difficult to consider I might need to rest some aggravated nerves and muscles. After a couple days of complete rest, the pain subsided.  I went back to exercising a little more carefully.  I increased intensity a little more slowly than I had been doing.  Everything has been fine since. ever I have lost my limp and everyone tells me that I walk so much better now.  it should have been no surprise that it would take my body a while to adjust to the changes

I  cannot  Give you my degrees of ROM.  I am tall, I play a lot of basketball and flexibility has never been my strong suite.  I have always been satisfied with good strength and  aerobic conditioning, to the neglect of my flexibility. I have continued to  work on strength and conditioning now, while my physical therapist worked more on  my flexibility and conditioning. He seems satisfied.

I   am walking  3 miles 4 days a week.  Although I am not supposed to run yet, on soft grassy surfaces I "shuffle" along at a very good speed.  The hip feels great.  Even the slight muscle soreness I get when I push it really hard actually feels good.

I hope you will experiance similar success.



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