He typically does surgery on Monday and Wednesday. I had two done so I came to Columbia Sunday evening, had the left done Monday, the right done Wednesday, and went home on Friday around lunch time.
If you are doing one hip and don't want to meet him way in advance requiring two trips, I suspect you will meet at his office on Tuesday, surgery on Wednesday, go home on Thursday. This is typical. Of course if you have some complication, all bet are off. The Marriott is in the hospital parking lot. My wife stayed there and walked over to her hospital everyday. The rate at the Marriott is $92 per night with the hospital discount.
He is on vacation, as is his Nurse Practitioner, Lee Webb. Ordinarily you can call her on her cell phone, but I have no idea if she answers on vacation. I found it rather amazing that she publishes her cell number on the web site.
Nancy Smith is in the office now and she is a delight. You can call her tomorrow. If you get her voice mail, leave a message, she is good about returning calls.
I was a nervous wreck worrying about the pre-op. I'm claustrophobic and I feared that the situation of losing control might make me go "ape". I got thru it fine. The pre-op staff at the hospital was great.
My right hip is not doing as well as my left, but I walked 1 mile today, 21 days post-op, and I am happy. Remember, I had two of these suckers. The excercises he has you do post op are simple and not very macho, but I believe my following instructions, doing them 2x per day, increasing reps, walking twice per day has help me progress rapidly.
I was scared senseless, and it was a good experience. You want have any pain while at the hospital. While you are there the PT folkes will see 2x per day.
I hope I haven't told you more than you want to know. I will be glad to speak with you by phone if you like. I'm just paying back what people did for me when I was in your position.