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3+ Months Post Op
« on: August 02, 2008, 01:27:15 PM »
Hi everyone,
I've been reading ALL of these posts for the last 3+months, since just before my surgery and, I have to tell you, you all inspire me so much!  Spencer, your story is wonderful and I'm so happy your recovery is going so well!  I posted for the first time a few days ago about getting back into biking and walking (no more running for me).  My procedure was a bit more involved as I had some "voids" (holes) in my pelvic bone that were filled by the shavings from my femur head...pretty cool, eh?  At any rate, I am just about 5 weeks or so on my own two feet and have just started doing 5K walks within the last week.  Biking only up to 12 miles, but good enough for now...think it best to increase mileage and re-intro hills gradually.  What about swimming?  Haven't tried it as yet, but hear it's great.  Congrats again, Spencer!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 09:24:27 PM by Pat Walter »


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5 weeks post op
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 01:42:30 PM »
Hi Anne,

Sounds like your recovery is going great as well. 12 miles on the bike is probably much smarter than me starting out with 17. I probably pushed the hills a little too hard and have dialed it down a bit yesterday and today...took yesterday completely off and today walked two miles and some bosu ball push ups w/feet elevated, ball squats  (w/ physio ball) and leg curls on the ball. The pool is the best. You can do rom exercises or swim laps. If you want to get into swimming as an exercise, technique is the most important aspect. Find a good coach and get lessons on body position, catch and pull. I coach many triathletes all over the country, so please don't hesitate to email me directly if you'd like at magoo451@msn.com

take care,


Pat Walter

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Re: 5 weeks post op
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2008, 09:31:39 AM »
Hi Anne

Glad to hear all is going well for you.  I wanted to give you your own topic to post under as you continue to recover. 

Sounds like you are doing great.

Where do you live and who is your doctor?  I always like people to give their doctor credit for their great surgeries.  Also helps other people looking for doctors to do their hip resurfacing.

Good Luck.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 5 weeks post op
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2008, 12:03:00 PM »
Hi Pat,
Wow, my own topic! But you may want to change that to 3 + months post op--I've only been "crutch free" for 5 weeks (was on crutches for the first 7 or so).  I live in Buffalo, NY.  My surgeon's name is Dr. Brian McGrath; he is with University Orthopaedics her ein Buffalo, and I think the world of him and his entire group!  For me, it has been a day-by-day recovery with things literally improving on a daily basis.  One thing I will stress to everyone out there is to keep doing your stretching and strenghtening exercises they give you post-op and in PT.  The human body is an amazing thing; it works in extraordinary ways to heal itself, but you have to give it some help along the way!  So believe in those exercises and in your own ability to improve!  I am better each day because of those exercises and the ones I am now able to do on my own, such as biking, walking, elyptical, etc.  I will write to Spencer separately about introducing swimming to my routine; may not be the smoothest thing to hit the water, but I'll try it....because I CAN!

Thank you, Pat, for creating this site and working so hard to maintain it!


Pat Walter

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Re: 3+ Months Post Op
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2008, 09:26:43 PM »
I fixed your header to 3+ months.  I am glad you are doing well and also sharing your experinece so others can learn.

I did a lot of water walking at 6 weeks post op to help my stiffness.  Here is a page of my exercises and stretches  http://www.surfacehippy.info/poolexercises.php  I really liked the water walking.

Good Luck and keep us posted as you return to your normal life!

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 3+ Months Post Op
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2008, 12:25:36 PM »
Water walking sounds like a great intro for me, as I'm quite certain the Coast Guard would have to be called in for anything much more daunting!  I have a few options for the pool access, so it might be a possibility.  Thanks so much for your continued suggestions!



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