Hi George
Some of the doctors will give you a free evaluation if you send them your story and x-rays via email. X-rays in a digital format in a .jpg format.
Some people have their x-rays posted in their stories, but it really doesn't tell you much. You need the experienced surgeons looking at your x-rays to give you good information about whether you are a candidate or not.
You are young at 47 and unless there is something unusual about your hip or it is too degenerated, normally a person your age would be a candidate. Again, only a doctor can tell you for sure.
Check my list of doctors
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.phpIf you are not rich, you will probably have to go overseas like many of us have done. India with Dr. Bose is the least expensive at about $10,000 to $12,000 Dr. De Smet of Belgium is about $20,000 these days.
Here are some articles about the cost of going overseas
http://www.surfacehippy.info/costofhipresurfacing.phpHere are personal resurfacing stories from all of the doctors mentioned
http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.phpDr. Bose, De Smet and the US doctors like Dr. Su, Mont, Gross, etc will give you a free email consultation. Several will then call you on the phone and talk with you. You can find their email address on the list above.
The overseas doctors normally get back to you very quickly. The US doctors sometimes take a little more time.
Good Luck.