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« on: September 27, 2008, 08:59:25 AM »
Yeah!  I've just set up an appt with a surgeon to discuss hip resurfacing.  I am going to use Dr jenkins in johnson city, tennessee.   He is knew to TN but he specialized in hip surgery in Mississippi.  My nursing supervisior at my jobs mother works for him and says he is wonderful.  She said he has a great repetation.  My appt is Oct 8th. 

My problem is I have already had 2 back surgeries this year.  I work full time as a nurse in a pain clinic.  We are a very busy organization.  One of our nurses is scheduled for surgery oct 7th for ACL repair in her knee.  Since I have already used my Family Medical Leave they are making me wait until she gets back.  She is estimated to be off 8 weeks.  I am hurting really bad and I don't know if I can stand it that long.  My job is very busy with alot of walking.   It hurts so bad to walk.  I don't know what to do.   The director of our office ask me if I could wait that long and I told him I would try.  I also told him if I wasn't hurting very bad then why would I see my surgeon.  I have been a very good employee for 3.5 yrs.  I just have had a terrible year this year.  So its really not doing me any good to see this guy so soon but atleast I can go ahead and schedule surgery.  I am going to schedule it for the day after she comes back if I can make it that long.  I am taking pain meds, NSAIDS, and muscle relaxors, but I still feel as if my hip is rubbing bone to bone.   I don't thing pain meds are going to really help.  I saw my PCP the other day and he told me he would help me in anyway he can to make it until surgery date. 

Pat Walter

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Re: appt
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2008, 07:08:47 PM »
Hi Cindy

Welcome to Hip Talk.  I am sorry to hear about your hip problems.

Have you tried a shot of steroids into your hip capsule?  Sometimes they work well and continue to work for weeks to months.

Many of us went that route before our surgeries.

Are you bone on bone?  Have you had your x-rays done yet?  You should get a consultation soon so you know excactly what shape your hip is in.  You can miss the window of opportunity for hip resurfacing if you wait too long.  That's why your x-rays will be important.  That's the reason for seeing a hip resurfacing surgeon now. 

I could not even walk from the car into the grocery store.  I was 61 and needed a hip for almost 10 years.  I just did not want a THR. Once I learned about hip resurfacing, I decided it was for me.

How many hip resurfacing has Dr. Jenkins done?  You should ask that and many of the questions on my list  http://www.surfacehippy.info/questionsfordoctor.php

If you have a difficult hip problem, it is good to try to use a really experienced hip resurfacing surgeon.  There is a steep learning curve.  The newer doctors usually do fine with the straight forward cases, but if it is difficult, they often revert to a THR.   You need to ask your odds of getting a hip resurfacing vs a THR. 

How old are you?

Good Luck.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: appt
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2008, 09:38:58 PM »

Hey I had a steriod injection 1.5 weeks ago.  It didn't do anything.  I really don't think the drs got in the space.  I help do hip injections all of the time under x-ray.  I work as a nurse in a pain clinic.  I never so the flow from the Contrast when they injected it.   I have had a steriod dose pack and I am taking 2400mg of Ibuprofen and pain medicine daily.  Its not totally bone on bone but there isn't alot of space there.  There is alot of osteopytes probably from previous surgery.   I see Dr Jenkins next week.  I see my ortho tomorrow.  I have so many questions for Dr Jenkins.  He is young so he is probably a newer dr but thats all he specializes in is hips in childern and adults.  I am very anxious about the appt in a good way and in a scared way.  I'm not so much scared about the surgery.  I am more worried about the care of my 1.5 yr old son after my surgery and what I will be able to do and be able to do with him.  My husband is a conductor for the railroad and is on the road all of the time.  He has already used all of his time off this year with my previous surgeries.   



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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