Hi, i have recently had my right hip resurfaced at the grand old age of 39 yrs [an old rugby injury]. recovery was very good in my opinion and the wound has healed really well, it is now 3 weeks after the operation.
the only slight concern i have is that for the first few days at home, days 6-12 after surgery all seemed ok with the range of movement and joint was good. suddenly in the last week or so i have noticed that i seemed to have lost a bit of flexion of my leg, up towards my chest. [although not taking it past waist level it seems very tight nearing waist level but it didnt when i first got home] the other thing is it has also started to make a clicking noise, not loud enough to be heared but i can feel it clicking every now and then. has anyone here had any similar experiences. unfortunately my specialist is away for the xmas hols so no info from there.
any advice welcomed and merry xmas to all