Dr. De Smet begins uncemented hip resurfacing with the Wright C+ hip resurfacing device
Dr. De Smet Begins Uncemented Hip Resurfacing
May 25, 2010
Dear Pat,
I indeed will start with the C plus uncemented.
I will cautiously start this and study this together with the University of Lille France.
Results only can be accepted if they are longer then 3-4 years. Nobody is there yet!! So again we have to be very cautious with results at this moment.
Koen De Smet
AMC Gent
Anca Medisch Centrum – Anca Medical Center GHENT
Krijgslaan 181
9000 GENT
Dr. Koen De Smet 3200 Hip Resurfacings to date *** ANCA-Clinic Kalverbosstraat 31A 9070 Heusden BELGIUM Phone: +(1)32 9 2525903 Fax: +(1)32 9 2526457 +1 for USA & Canada: E-mail: helpdesk@heup.be ANCA Clinic Website |