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pain in right quad
« on: September 17, 2007, 08:42:08 PM »
Heya all it's mr. surfacehippy JJ here.  It is now 6 days postop and have this horrible pain in my right thigh.  It is so tight, feels like i did 100 squats yesterday.
Is this because I limped for a long time before surgery or what?  And wow to my surprise, my scar is about 12" long with staples.  If anyone can remember this pain and why it might be would be appreciative and how long does it last?  and second question those porta potties, do they make different sizes?  the one they delivered doesnt let me get everything in, if you know what i mean?  any help will be appreciated.

Pat Walter

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Re: pain in right quad
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 09:20:40 PM »

My guess is that your muscle/s are just adjusting.  When I was in Belgium and had my hip resurfaced, the PT took quite a bit of time to massage my top thigh muscle every day.  He started that the 4th day after surgery.  Are you taking any kind of pain relievers?  Maybe just some advil would help.

Why not give your doctor a call and ask what would be best for the pain.  Also ask what is causing the pain.  If you are going to start PT soon, they may be able to stretch the muscle or massage it for you, too.

The little plastic toilet risers are not very big for men.  I guess they do have some more expensive larger ones.  I have read a few post before about that problem.  You could rent one of the regular potty seats that sit over the toilet. I would call a local medical rental place to see what they cost and what is available.  I just used the cheap plastic life saver type one, but I am female. I certainly can undrestand why it doesn't offer you much room to do what needs to be done.

I did not have many muscle problems and am not very knowledgeable about them.  If you want more input other than your doctors, I would join the large Yahoo Surface Hippy Discussion Group  http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/surfacehippy/  There are over 6000+ members and many have had muscle problems after hip resurfacing.  This Hip Talk group is a fairly new group and really pretty small.  Do be ready to receive over 100 emails a day when you join the other group. Sometimes it is best just to elect to read the messages up on Yahoo or set up a folder on your computer to receive all the emails.  Otherwise they get all mixed in with your regular email.

I am sorry I can't help you more.  My incision is about 10" long.  The length of the incision has nothing to do with the quickness of your recovery.  Dr. De Smet uses a long incision so he can get in and get out without disrupting anything that should not be bothered. 

Good Luck. Things will keep getting better with each day.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: pain in right quad
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2007, 09:38:48 PM »
Hi jjiam,

Do you have a name?  Can you tell us a little more about yourself.  Where do you live, who was your doctor, was it your left hip or right hip that you had resurfaced?  Pain in your right thigh, is that the side that was operated on or not?  At six days post op you will experience a lot of soreness from the surgery.  The way you describe it is more like a hard workout which is not really pain IMO, but soreness which is natural after major surgery.  In either leg, the non operated side due to putting more weight on it, the operated side due to the trauma it just went through.  Give it some time.  On the potty seat, I never needed one since I went to India and by the time I got home, it was two weeks post op.  They do make a lot of different models of them.


Pat(ricia) Dukes

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Re: pain in right quad
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 09:58:07 PM »
Hi:  You could call a local medical supply company and ask about a raised toilet seat.  They'll be able to make suggestions about what might work best for you personally.  Two different styles are:  E-Z Lock Ö B304-Carex Toilet Seat Raised With Handles or 3 In One Commode.  You can GOOGLE them and see what they look like.  I'm sure that some models must come in various sizes, you'll just have to do some searches on the internet and call if you have local medical supply companies or good independent pharmacies.

Everyone is different when it comes to muscle pain after resurfacing.  Some people have almost none and others have quite a bit.  It doesn't seem to be specifically one type of people (fit, unfit, slender, heavy, young, old).  Some people have it, others don't.  Some has to do with the way in which your doctor does the surgery.  You should check in with his office to discuss it and they may tell you it is not uncommon for their patients to have that specific pain.

I had horrible muscle cramps in my op leg thigh for about 10 days after surgery.  It always woke me up about 4-5 AM.  My thigh was rock hard and in spasms.  It really hurt!  I would get up and limp around a few minutes and it would stop.  It never happened during the day.  I tried heat, ice, elevation, massage and nothing seemed to help. I just had to stand up and walk for a couple of minutes and it would quit.   At about 10 days post-op it stopped and never returned.  I don't know why that happened to me - just something wired.

You are going to be having lots of uncomfortable and new/different sensations in the first few weeks.  Just try to remember that it will pass.  Most people  begin feeling a whole lot better at about 2-3 weeks.  If you are doing a lot of exercises or PT you could be pushing too hard.  If you are, back off and let it rest.  Healing takes time and patience...  Not always easy to accomplish but will help you in the long run.

Very best wishes, hope it resolves soon.   ;)
Pat in SC
Columbia, SC
Dr Gross rBiomet 19June2006


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Re: pain in right quad
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2007, 06:04:12 PM »
Thanks all, luckily the pain has decreased today, I guess I'm just gonna let little things like that go, without panicing. Thanks for the toilet seat advice but luckily today I actually had success sitting on a low toilet seat(it wasn't easy), so it's all good now.


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Re: pain in right quad
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 04:35:04 PM »
Doesn't it feel funny talking about "potty seats" for us grown ups?  I guess I will be one of them soon, too!  LOL! 

Pat Walter

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Re: pain in right quad
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 04:49:34 PM »
When you have a hip replacement, all topics are up for discussion.  I can't tell you the hundreds of posts there have been about:

potty chairs - not big enough for the men

Bowel movements - it is wonderful experience after surgery and sometimes takes a long long time. Be sure to take your stool softeners.
Underwear - what to wear.  Loose fitting. Men use boxer shorts. Ladies can use ladies boxers, no underwear or even cheap mens cotton boxers.  I used that option when I was in Belgium since I didn't have a lot of money.

Cathaders - some doctors use them, others don't.  Men are always afraid of having them inserted after surgery.  Usually it is done during surgery if it is done.  The european doctors and hospitals don't normally use them unless you're a bi-lat

Blood donation - some docs do and some don't

sex - how soon can I get it on - I feel so good without the hip pain!  Best positions! If you search the Yahoo Surface hippy group - there are lengthly discussions!

What PJs to wear - silky and slippery. Helps you manuever around on the sheets when your body is acting like that of a 100 year old!  A plastic garbage bag under you but on the bed or car seat helps you rotate too.

Piddling all the time - you body has a lot of fluids to get rid of after surgery.

It is even difficult to wipe your little butt while on the potty after surgery.  You need to adapt and adjust.

Sweating at night - many people have night sweats - not just for the ladies any more!

Anything that use to be private and personal becomes a subject to share and learn about after surgery.

Just know that it all goes away pretty quickly and you forget all about it when you are back to enjoying life again.

Good Luck to all.

Pat in Ohio
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

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Pat Walter

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Re: pain in right quad
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2007, 06:03:09 PM »

Here is an answer about your quad pain from Alan. He is a very knowledgeable person about hip resurfacing.  He is a De Smet hippie like me.

First, I'd be surprised if the surgoen actually did cut muscle. That would create a new set of concerns. (In any case, problems from cutting "ass muscles" wouldn't be evidenced by quad pain.)

The quad pain is quite understandable...and quite common. It would mostly occur because of the way the leg is turned when the hip is dislocated to do a resurfacing (all of which you know). And watching these things over time, I've learned (I think) that the longer the time in surgery (the longer the time the leg is turned), the more severe and enduring the quad pain can be. I'd suspect Dr. Crovetti is quite new at the surgery...and the newer surgeons tend to take longer at the operation.

Six days...or even ten days... would be early to have no pain in the leg...quad, IT band, in particular.  When he's cleared for it by the surgeon, pool walking with a high step would help relieve the quad pain. It's too early for any aggressive PT.

It does sound like JJ may be suffering the impatience that comes upon many of us when the hip pain is gone. You can certainly tell him that it was about five months before the last of my quad pain disappeared.  If you'd like, please also feel free to give him my e-mail address...and we can talk directly.


If you want Alans personal email addy to talk with him, write to me and I will give it to you.  pwalter@surfacehippy.info   

Pat in Ohio
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet
Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



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