Hi Welcome to Hip Talk.
Are you taking any PT? Everyone heals at a different rate. I was told that I should use a crutch or cane until I did not limp. I was lucky and stopped using a crutch or cane at 4 weeks post op. I had muscle spasms in my hip muscles while I was in Belgium. I was told to take magnesium for it. That seemed to help.
What does your doctor say about your progress? It does seem slow to me, but again everyone is different. Did you have any speical problems like having your leg lengthened? Sometimes if you have more difficult hip problems it takes longer for muscles to get back into shape.
I was doing water therapy about 6 weeks out. A lot of water walking, stretches and exercises by a PT. That really loosened up my muscles and helped me feel much better.
Many of us have had back problems because our bad hips make us walk unbalanced. I used a chiropractor a lot before surgery. I have used him several times since surgery. I had about 4 really bad siatica attacks since my resurfacing 18 months ago. I had 2 sets of steriod shots in my lower back. In the last 6 months I have not had any back problems. I am very careful how I bend over.
I think getting some water therapy and maybe visitng your chiropractor might help. Especially the water therapy. It will take some time for your body to adjust to the surgery now that your hip is normal again. You might also have problems with the other hip and your knees as things adjust.
No one knows how long a BHR can last. The metal can last many lifetimes. It is your own bone growth supporting the hip device that will possibly give out. There are people that have had BHRs for over 15 years now. So it is just your own bone health that will determine how long your BHR will last.
Check out the 10 year survivorship of the BHR
http://www.surfacehippy.info/bhrhistory.phpAlso did you read Katie Ellis Story? She has had her BHR for over 15 1/2 years
http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.php#Mr._McMinn_Hip_Stories_Definitely touch base with your orth and tell him how you are doing. Maybe he/she has some advice or can prescribe water therapy. If not, maybe you have a YMCA or pool near you. I used a therapy pool that was 94 degress and neck deep for walking. It was great. Here are the exercises that my PT had me doing
http://www.surfacehippy.info/poolexercises.phpPat in Ohio
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet