Hi Welcome to Hip Talk
Both are excellent and very experienced. Check out James Roxbugh's story
http://www.surfacehippy.info/jimroxburgh.php Dr. Schmalzreid bi-lat. My neighbor in Marietta OH went to him also in 2005. He had one hip done and could not be happier. It cost him $26,000 out of his pocket to use a really experienced surgeon.
I have several Dr. Amstutz stories here
http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.php These two were amoung the first few hip resurfacing surgeons in the US. They are very experienced and have many happy patients.
Some people think Dr. Amstutz is getting old, but Karen did not think it made one bit of difference
http://www.surfacehippy.info/karenmcnulty.phpI don't have any personal experience with them since I went to De Smet in Belgium. If I had money or insurance and lived out the west coast, I would have considered them.
Make our appointments and talk with the doctors. She what your gut feeling has to say to you. You need to feel good about the doc you are using. You have quite a few in CA
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.php but none more experienced than those two.
Pat in Ohio
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet