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John C

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« on: June 01, 2009, 04:39:49 PM »
Anyone else out there that has gotten back into high wind sailing after resurfacing? I will reach my one year anniversary in two weeks, and started back sailing over the last week or so. My hip is just a little sore while sailing; nothing serious. After sailing it is getting pretty sore, and I am back to having pain with every step and a slight limp. It is definitely getting worse. Has anyone else gotten back into high wind and wave sailing, and how did it go? Since this is my job during the summer months, I am really hoping that things improve.
John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 12:41:44 AM »
Hey John,
I was an avid wavesailer before surgery but the last two years before my op I went less and less and only rode waves, no jumps or loops( that hurt to much). I am now almost 7 months post op and plan on windsurfing the next windy day we get( southern cali doesn't get alot of windy days but we do get a few). After my session I'll post to let you know how it went and how the body feels.

11-7-08  Bilat/Dr.Ball/ASR


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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 02:46:08 AM »
Winds been null over here lately..but I have been hitting it hard when it comes...and its all good..see you when you make it to Hawaii.

John C

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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 01:17:33 AM »
Hi guys,
Thanks for the replies. Eric, the trades are back on Maui, sailing 5.0 to 5.5 the past few days, so hopefully you will get some wind soon.
Wayne, I know So. Cal pretty well. 25 years ago I ran a windsurfing school in San Diego for a few years, and would try to get down to Baja a few days a week for wind and waves at K39 or Raul's. I will be very curious to here how the sailing goes for you. I feel good out on the water, a little tentative on the big jumps; but afterwards I have pain while walking. The doctor says that he thinks that I have developed trochanteric bursitis, which feels right. He has me on Celebrex for a month to try to calm the inflamed bursa down. Hoping it works.
John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 12:05:35 AM »
Well I finally got to go windsurfing today ( 1st time since before surgery ). I was a little apprehensive about the whole deal because it has been so long since I've done it and having the new hips tested to see how they will respond. I am happy to report that after the first 10 minutes or so all apprehension disappered and it felt like I never even missed a beat. The wind was blowing 25-30 miles per hour and I rode a 5.0 sq. meter sail. I rode many waves ( I was the only one in the water) hit the lip, bottom turns made all my jibes, i was a little rusty on the heli tacks however but they came around at the end of the session. When I went out in the water I had every intention on sorta taking it easy and not do any jumps, well that didn't last more than 15 minutes as I started out with some small jumps. I felt so good , no problems with the hips so I got in some 15 foot airs and had some hard landings and some soft landings all with no problems whatsoever. Is all I can say is it feels so good to be able to windsurf again and at a level where I can really push myself. A few more sessions and I will try some loops again. Just thought I'd share this incredible day with all of you.
11-7-08  Bilat/Dr.Ball/ASR


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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2009, 11:00:20 AM »
Well I finally got to go windsurfing today ( 1st time since before surgery ). I was a little apprehensive about the whole deal because it has been so long since I've done it and having the new hips tested to see how they will respond. I am happy to report that after the first 10 minutes or so all apprehension disappered and it felt like I never even missed a beat. The wind was blowing 25-30 miles per hour and I rode a 5.0 sq. meter sail. I rode many waves ( I was the only one in the water) hit the lip, bottom turns made all my jibes, i was a little rusty on the heli tacks however but they came around at the end of the session. When I went out in the water I had every intention on sorta taking it easy and not do any jumps, well that didn't last more than 15 minutes as I started out with some small jumps. I felt so good , no problems with the hips so I got in some 15 foot airs and had some hard landings and some soft landings all with no problems whatsoever. Is all I can say is it feels so good to be able to windsurf again and at a level where I can really push myself. A few more sessions and I will try some loops again. Just thought I'd share this incredible day with all of you.

Yeah !!!!  Stoked for you Wayne-O !!  Wish I could have made it down to take some pictures, give me more warning next time.  Thats awesome, I know youv'e been wanting to windsurf (and wondering if you could) for awhile, Stoked it went good for ya !! 

John C

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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2009, 06:36:48 PM »
Hey Wayne, that sounds fantastic! :D ;D  It sounds like all your skills came right back, along with your confidence in your new hips. We have lots of wind and waves on Maui, but your description of a day like that with no one else out would be a dream come true; what a way to make your comeback!
I have gotten in well over a hundred days this summer with my new hip in 20kt+ conditions, and windsurfing does not seem to bother my hip. I still have some ongoing soft tissue pain issues, but it does not seem to be directly related to windsurfing, and Celebrex does seem to help. This weekend they are calling for 20kt+ trades, and a possible 15-20' north swell, so it should be epic.
I hope that you get back to getting lots of time on the water, now that you have had a great "test run".

John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2009, 01:24:32 AM »
Thanks Bill and John, Yeah it was an epic day for me and now I just want more. But you know how many days we get at san onofre ( not to many ). Maui is just such a great place to be and I hope you get some of that north swell. It is nice to see someone with resurfaced hip getting so much water time. I was curious if you've been really pushing yourself since your surgery ( in the water ) or sorta taking it easy? What about jumping, how high and what about loops? The good thing now for me is I'm looking forward to getting down to san carlos soon. Have you ever sailed there John? If not make sure you make it down there some time.

11-7-08  Bilat/Dr.Ball/ASR

John C

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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2009, 05:45:03 PM »
Wow, the day you described was at San Onofre? I only sailed there once; good sized waves, but I was barely able to float out with a 6.5.
To answer your question, I have not really changed my sailing since the new hip. Lots of waves and "old school" freestyle. I am conscious of trying to avoid flat landings, both for my hip and my boards, and no loops.
I have not made it down to San Carlos. When I lived in North County in the San Diego area during the summers back in the mid eighties (I used to direct the windsurfing school down at the San Diego Sailing Center on Mission Bay), I did get down to K-39 and Raul's a lot.
Hope you are on the road to getting lots of water time from here on out!
John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2009, 01:58:33 PM »
Hey John, Thanks for the replies. Yeah it was at san o  and it is actually a very fun place to sail when there is wind. Down the line rights ( not to many people know about that ). My normal sail is a 5.8 and that usally works well there but the 5.0 was like the candy store. Raul's is a fun place i used to sail there yrs ago. Hope you get many more good days in this season.

11-7-08  Bilat/Dr.Ball/ASR


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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2010, 09:10:31 PM »
Just to let you windsurfers and kiters out there today was one of those magical days here in so. cal.  I awoke to some fairly strong wind this morning ( we don't normally get much wind here in southern orange county). Wind was 28 mph and we have a very nice 4-6 foot swell that hit saturday to go along with it. I was in the water by 10 am on my 5.0 meter sail and definite overhead surf. I paid more dues today than I have in a long time but everything else went just fine. The hips are perfectly fine I'm glad to report. Hey John and Eric, just to let ya know I,ve gotten about five days in the last month at san'onofre all by myself. shhh don't tell anyone its down the line rights. Yes today was a magical day.

11-7-08  Bilat/Dr.Ball/ASR

John C

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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2010, 03:23:56 PM »
That sounds fantastic. I have surfed San O' enough to know how long that wave can be, but like I said, my only attempt to sail there was basically drifting out on a 6.5. Having it to your self on a 5.0 would truly be an epic day.
Maui has been having a fairly unusual May; windier than normal. It has been blowing 25-30+ most days, so the 4.0 and 4.5 are  getting a lot of use. Unfortunately, not much in the way of waves since I got back in early May.
I am not sure why, but I had some soft tissue pain and bursitis issues when I got back to sailing this year. The same thing happened at the start of last season, and it went away after a month or so. Hopefully it will go away this year as well.
We'll keep your secret about San O'  ;)
John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
Right uncemented Biomet/Dr Gross/ 4/25/18


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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2010, 03:40:10 PM »
Sounds good to be getting wind,

Wayne, where the pics?? I know, never a camera around when its good...

John, where exactly is that soft tissue issue? I have been feeling weak and sore right where the socket area would be, feels like a muscle...as in did I tear or injure it a few months back and just never let it heal right.  If when walking and I kick a high spot with my foot, I get a shocker of pain there.  I also don't have full strength there either as in raising my knee up.  I have been trying exercises by bicycle and swimming, but then the wind blows and I kite and get a bump bump to the area.

Cheers to the wind,

Pat Walter

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Videos of Windsurfing
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2010, 03:59:58 PM »
Check out Eric's videos



We all wish we were out there with him!

Thanks Eric.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 04:01:30 PM by Pat Walter »
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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

John C

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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2010, 12:46:58 AM »
Hi Eric,
It sounds like our issues are different. I have never had any trouble with the hip flexors, or anything having to do with lifting the leg or knee forward. My issue is right on the side, on the lower posterior edge of the greater trochanter. It is always diagnosed as trochanteric bursitis. It gets tender to the touch, and hurts during weight bearing if I let it get too far. It flared up for a few weeks at the start of the windsurfing season last June, got better after a couple of weeks on Celebrex, and was not an issue again until the start of this year's season a couple of weeks ago. It flared up over the first couple of weeks if I sailed more than a couple of hours a day. I have been trying to pace myself, and it is not bothering me if I try to keep my time on the water down to 2-3 hours a day.
Great videos by the way, you definitely have your spot wired. As I remember, there were a few coral heads in the line up, and you had to time your bottom turns out and around them. Great fun spot!
John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
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Re: Windsurfing
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2010, 02:24:11 AM »
Where's the pics ??  Haha.  He's trying. Heres some texts from last month:

Bill- Hey puto drop everything and go windsurfing it's epic all time perfect whitecaps to the horizon, whatever you're doing is not important, go now dude I'm serious, quit effing around, drop you're sh*t and go...

Wayne-o - I can't I have to freakin work, no way out of it, F*#@k !!!

Bill-  OK loser, later.

A couple weeks later...
Bill- Dude it's howling, whitecaps. Go windsurfing.

Wayne-o - I can't go I have to work...

Bill- Whatever homo....

A week after that:

Wayne-o - Hey I'm going windsurfing this afternoon, wanna take some pictures ?

Bill- Yeah I'll grab the trusty Canon and meet you there

1 hour later....
Bill- I'm at sanos and see no windsurfers, or you're truck, wtf ?

Wayne-o  -  I got there and the wind died so I bailed

Bill- OK Kook. Next time...

Glad you finally got it good Wayne-O !!  Too bad no pictures but you don't want your secret spot exposed anyway.... :D   One of these days we'll get it together and get some shots of you.  Stoked for you dude 8)




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