Surgeon is Dr. Scheimitsch at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto.
I have plain old osteo in right hip, am 48 and was initially diagnosed at 39, my Eastern European genes apparently make me a candidate for this type of early problem.
My physio had the same reaction, so I'm going to call and inquire again. I'm glad to know I can do stairs, as I would prefer not to set my living room up to look like a hospital.
Thank you for your information.
PS First ortho surgeon (total hip replacement) told me no driving for 4-6 months, car insurers wouldn't allow. That was also untrue, maybe an overzealous legal department wanting to limit their liability in case of an accident. Needless to say with 4 children, my mind went blank afterwards. Had to explain to young Dr. Kildare why 4-6 months without wheels is a death threat to any mother. Still not sure he understood.