Yeah its been an epic summer! I kited yesterday(Monday) after a 5 days of rest...(bike rode a coastal path Saturday and that helped stretch it out some and add strength) The winds were up, and the waves were better then the normal, but still looking for more of that east swell. I bet its gonna be good this morning for you...hope it makes it to us on Kauai too.. I have the day off and plan on chasing waves, even though I am not 100% yet, but yeah, the rest can come later. At my age, 44, I feel like I should, young and active and still healing when I break down..and not one who slows when things like this happen, I do take it easy for a bit, but still try to enjoy life to its fullest.
I would say if I could slow down, it would be about a weeks to 10 days rest for the groin stretched out pain. (it still hurts down there when I sneeze, but you should of seen the pain last week when I pulled it) Some leg lifts while on the bed, along with laying on my tummy and then lifting my leg up and back seems to help stretch it out.
Nov 3, 2008
r Bhr