The study you are quoting is not a very large study and I DEFINITELY would not base my opinion of resurfacing on such a small study of 102 patients from two surgeons.
Remember me telling people to use the experinced surgeons? These two surgeons certainly are not very experinced if they only have 102 patients between them to study after a couple years. This is a very, very small sampling of patients.
To make this study even relevant it would have to be of thousands of patents from many different surgoens. Maybe these two surgeons are not even very pro hip resurfacing and did this study to try to discourage people. Perhaps these two might not have the best surgical skill. Remember, the surgeons may be using similar hip devices - but they DON"T HAVE THE SAME SURGICAL SKILLS. How they perform their surgeroes will affect the post op pain and recovery. I have personally talked and interviewed many of the very best hip rsurfacing surgeons in the world and I know from talking with them that their surgical skills make a difference in the patients recovery.
I would not even think of quoting this type of medical study with only 102 people involved to people considering hip resurfacing. I would be very leary of considering either of these surgeon who - by the way -don't even say they are. There is a group of surgeons listed.
People have to realize that the medical community is not pro hip resurfacing and those folks are always trying to have statistics to scare perspective patients.
I have many hundreds of stories just on this website and groin pain is not that prevalent. Every one is going to have pain in the early stages of recovery. Some people continue to have pain a long time and also some people had pain so long previously before their surgery - that it makes an easy recovery diffiuclt. You need to look at the full story. The long and more diffiuclt your original hip problem - often the longer and more diffiucult your recovery. You have to get muscles working again that had not been working properly for years, get the body back into balance from limping or using crutches for a long time and get your mind back to understanding that your body now has a completely good hip surrounded by ligaments and muscles that must heal and be active again.
Also if you are only 3 weeks post op, you are not even close to being recovered. It takes six months to become mostly recovered and a full year to be completely recovered. Many people have stiffness 2 or 3 months after surgery since they have been thru major surgery. It just takes the body time to heal. Everyone must be patient. Time and patience are normally the true healers.
If you read the stories from the really experineced hip resurfacing surgeons, you don't read about that many problems. I have read thousands of stories for over 4 years now and groin pain is not a long term problem from hip resurfacing in most cases. Again, a lot depends on the skill of the surgeon. You will read about few problems from the top surgeons since they have excellent surgical skills and many more problems from the newer surgeons. I am not saying a less experinced surgeon can't do hip resurfacing, but the statistics indicate there are more problems. That is not my opinion, but the results of medical studies.
Please don't let a small, obscure study of 102 patients frighten you. Over 100,000 patients world wide contiue to have sucessful hip resurfacings. There are national registries in other countries where you can follow the sucess of hip resurfacing.
http://www.surfacehippy.info/nationalregistries.php Pat