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Journal Starting at Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:20:39 PM »
Just got home yesterday from Mt. Shasta.  I am so grateful that decisions were made to cause me to travel that far for surgery.  For anyone with a liking to persnalized service, strong spiritual support, and the beauty of outdoors and small towns, I highly recommend it.  From my very first phone call to Denise at Dr. Ure's office, to my very last goodby to John at the hospital, I can't say enough good things.  EVERYONE from the motel manager to the hospital nutritionist were extremely personable and very supportive.   I really am impressed. ;D


Now for my little surgery story:  I had severe OA in my left hip, but held on to my own joint over 20 years hping it would go away or technology would improve.  I used a lot of alternative and western medicine therapies and the orthopods that looked at my xrays were impressed that I was still as active as I  was.  But this June after a surfing trip the pain never relented, and I ended up with a bad limp and a cain, and knew the time had come.

  Dr. Ure performed total resurfacing surgery using Birmingham BHR on Monday afternoon.  I was surprised when I checked in for surgery I had a slight fever.  I'd had some sinus problems leading up to that but it was assumed to be viral.  So I woke up about four hours later in my room with no pain (epidural and other dope still in strong control).  Dr. Ure checked me out that afternoon as did the PT and they all said I was doing fine.  That night my fever flaired up to 101 and I felt really shitty, like I had the flu.  I used a couple of the morphine drops for comfort and I think they gave me something for the fever.  The next morning I felt better and was able to eat breakfast.  Still very little surgical pain.  The PT cam by that morning and we did some movement things.  Tha afternoon/evening my fever flaired again and I felt really bad.  They controlled it with tylenol and a couple of more morphine drips.  Really hard to sleep just due to fever thing....  So the next morning I felt much better again and we took out the morphine button.  As the fever this came back each afternoon I tok tylenol and percoset..and some ambien at night for sleep.  Sleep was the magic that was so hard to get....I'm a side sleeper and usually not very good at it anyway.  With the fever and lack of mobility sleep was very difficult to achieve.

On Wednesday I got blood in my urine...another complication.   These ancilary complications were much worse than the surgical pain.  We decided to stay at the hospital another night.

By Thurday the blood was gone from my urine and my fever was starting to go down.  I checked out of the hospital Friday mroning and we flew back to Solvang on Saturday.

 It is so good to be home!!!! I slept 12 hours last night and fever is gone.  I feel more surgical pain now and my incision looks more black and blue.  I'm using celebrex,tramadol, and tyenol for pain, plus now I've kicked back in some great supplements like fish oil, SAME and alph-lipoic acid..  Pain at rest is 0-1.  Pain when walking is 3-8.  Two crutches.  Having never had major surgery or illness before, the concept of being so dependent on help and imobilized is still something for me to grasp.

So if this helps ayone just the tiniest bit, good.  If not, it's a great place to hournal my story.

Is there a spell checker on this page?

Kevin  L-BHR Dr. Ure  10-8-07
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 06:40:07 PM by kriyamon »

Pat Walter

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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 08:40:18 PM »
Hi Kevin

Thanks for posting your story.  There is not a spell checker on the software, but I will see if I can add one.

I will also post your story on my Hip Stories Page where more people will proabably see it. I will also post updates.  I will send the the link when I get your story up.

Please keep us updated on your progress.

Hopefully, things will get better and better each day.  I did not sleep well for a long time since I am also a side sleeper.  By about day 8 I was able to sleep on the unoperated side with a pillow between my legs so I did not put my operated leg past the middle point of my body.  When I could finally get on my side I felt better.  I did not take any sleep aids since I don't like them.  I also did a lot of sleeping in my Lazy Boy Recliner.  That seemed to help a lot.  When I was on my back I had 3 or 4 pillows under my legs. It felt better and it helps the swelling to keep your toes above your nose - as Dr. De Smet says.

Again, I am glad things are going better.  Good Luck

Pat in Ohio
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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2007, 09:17:55 AM »

Don't forget to ice the operated site and surrounding area on/off for 30 minutes at a time.  I neglected to do this the first week and I could kick myself...  Once I started using ice I found I felt a lot better.  The biggest thing is to NOT get the incision site wet until the area is completely closed, usually after the staples are removed about 14 days post-op.  This might sound silly, but get a cheap bag of peas, put it in a zip lock bag and apply.  They don't melt, so no water leakage.  Just throw it back in the freezer til you need them again.  They 'mold' nicely and aren't TOO cold.  No chance of freezing any tissue.   Pat's idea of the pillows is sooooo true.  you might also try different amounts of pillows under the leg(s) at different times of the day.  This way the leg is in various positions, gives you a 'change' of pace, so to speak.  Laying on your back to sleep is tough.  Side lying is a nice change, too.  I also recommend tucking another pillow or blanket either in front or behind to 'support' the upper body, you'll sleep like a baby!!   ;D

Hope this helps.  Hang in there it gets better.  I'm almost 4 weeks post-op and every nite gets better.


LBHR 9-18-07 Dr. Barba


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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2007, 03:53:44 PM »
Thanks, good advice much appreciated.  Coming more out of the blur today I realized that I hadn't been doing my PT since I got home, and I had a rought time getting a good start with them in the hospital due to my fever complications.  Anyway, I got my notebook out from Mercy Medical Center Orthopedic Mt. Shasta, and reviewed and started with the routine.  I knew something was missing....  I've got a 20 minute set to do 5-7 times a day...that will for sure keep the swelling down and also help me sleep.  Also guidance is to walk at least 200' every two hours....

But the ice tip is great.  I've got some neck pain associated with the crutch use and so I'm icing it too and am going to try changing to a walker.

Pat Walter

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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2007, 04:23:02 PM »
Hi Kevin

Dr. De Smet always told us to listen to our bodies.  Never do more than you think you can - always do less.  You will recover in time like everyone else.  Your PT is good, but if for some reason you miss it, it won't make that much difference.  I only did PT once a day and did my walking several times a day. 

We used the elbow crutches which were much more comfortable.  In fact, we just used one crutch on the unoperated side.  It went forward as your operated leg went forward and touched the ground just before the leg did.  It was much more comfortable for me being a 61 year old woman to use only one crutch.  My shoulders and neck were sore too.

You have plenty of time to be active and do a lot of walking.  Give yourself time to get better. If you do too much walking and exercise - it will cause swelling.  So there is a happy medium.  Mostly, listen to you body and what you feel like doing.  Only you know how you feel, no one else can tell you.

Some people have not even done PT and just lived a normal life and they ended up in the same place as we all do -healed and walking without pain. 

I was able to go out to eat and walk a few blocks in Ghent at 6 days post op.  By the time I flew home about day 10, I was actually able to walk about 3/4 of a mile with the one crutch.  Things got quick much better after that point.

You are still feeling the effects of major surgery.  Take advantage of the resting time and do what feels right to you.

Keep up the good work.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 04:34:12 PM by Pat Walter »
Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Pat Walter

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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2007, 04:35:44 PM »
Hi Kevin

I just posted Melissa's story with Dr. Ure.  She is 4 days post op.  Did you see here when you were there? 

I thought others might be interested in her story too. She sent me her story via email.

Dr. Ure is a very popular hip resurfacing surgeon.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2007, 04:55:14 PM »
Hi Kevin:

Boy, I wish I knew you were at Mercy the same time I was; no one mentioned it.  My surgery was on Wednesday afternoon and I left Saturday morning - my story posted below yours.

It would of been fun to converse and compare notes.  Like you I was totally impressed with Mt Shasta and everyone.

Hope your recovery continues smoothly and will swap stories again soon I'm sure.

L BHR Ure 10/10/07
Merced CA  :)


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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2007, 06:18:08 PM »
Hi Melissa....yeah too bad no one connected us at Mercy but I think they were a little freaked out over me with my fever and blood in the urine.  I read your post; sounds like you are doing very well and comparing to me, maybe I'm expecting a little too much out of myself.   I was getting in and out of bed myself and walking on day two; day three I was walking down the hall.  Maybe Pat is right; I'm overdoing it.  I had some heavy thigh pain kick in Saturday that has not receded and I called Paul Swarz about it.....he said to back off on stuff too, and to not let movement pain exceed a 4.  I've been pushing movement pain to the 7-8 level.

It sure it great to have all the support from the web hippys and from Shasta.

I'll send you this via email so we can chat offline too.



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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 01:26:01 PM »
Kevin and Melissa,

Glad to hear my two friends are doing well. I should have connected you since I was aware that you both were there. I thought Mercy was so small that you surely would have know each other. It was amazing that I discovered posts from you both on the days you were having surgery. I thought perhaps even at the time it was occurring. Since I am heading for the same surgery I felt very concerned and hopeful for your well being. I am thinking the seeming coincidental discover of your posts on your surgery days is guidance to use Dr. Ure for my surgery. Hearing of your experiences makes it easier for me to go through with my own. Thanks and continuing best wishes and prayers to you.


Pat Walter

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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2007, 01:37:32 PM »
Hi David

Welcome to the group.  I hope that you will post your story when you decide to have your hip resurfaced. The stories are a great help to people.

Thanks for joining.

Pat in Ohio
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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2007, 01:50:01 PM »

Glad to be here and thanks for the site. It should do really well. Yahoo Groups, which I am a member of three pages worth, is very hard to  use. I find that people tend to be kinder and more helpful on private boards. 

I will certainly keep everyone updated. I now have an appointment with Dr. Ure and then I will make a decision if to send X-rays to Dr. Gross and Dr. De Smet.

Pat Walter

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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2007, 02:01:16 PM »
Hi David

I belong the the Large Yahoo Group too and often tell people they should join it when they have unusual problems.  I thought that a smaller, perhaps, more organized discussion group could also be helpful.  I am trying to put things into categories and hopefully the search function here will work a little better.

I am hopeful that as it grows it will remain useful.  And yes, we will all agree to diagree - but be kind about it.  We are not going to have any verbal boxing matches here.  Just a kind exchange of info to help each other.

Thanks again.  Good Luck. If you need extra info about De Smet - he's my man, just love him.  If you need extra info about Gross, Pat Dukes will also help out here.  If you decide on Bose - Vicky will also post here.  So we are all here to help as much as we can and point you in the right direction. Then it is all up to you.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2007, 05:28:25 PM »
Day 8:   This is a running journal entry but I'm going to copy and paste in different categories to see if I get help.

I downshifted yesterday and even more today, trying to come to terms with movement in a pain level  of less than 4, as .  I think I was trying too hard.  It is not a race, it is a healing.

One observation that I've had since I was in the hospital and for which the continued refered pain in my knee and thigh (my hip and the incision area feel ok) may be responsible for is increased leg length on the operated side.

My operated side had been about 3/8-  1/2 inch shorter and I was wearing a lift in my shoe to compensate.  Interesting over all the years how different professionals would measure and come to conclusion about where the shortness was..some said leg, some said due to the deteriorated joint, some said pelvis structure.  Anyway, I had discussed this with Dr.  prior to surgery and it was apparent on my xray that the left hip socket was distinctly higher than the right.  Dr. Ure said he thought he could change that through the surgery, which I agreed to.

Now my operated left leg feels distinctly longer (seems like an inch) than the right when standing up.  If I stand up to what feels straight my right foot is actually off the flor or I'm standing on the ball of the right foot in a lifted position.  If I put all the weight on the right side, my left leg must stay bent.  This is not a good feeling, along with the pain.

Anyone else have a problem with this?   

Pat Walter

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Re: Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2007, 05:57:28 PM »
Hi Kevin

I have read about a lot of people with the same problem on the Yahoo Gorup.  Even people that did not have their leg lengthened swore that it would never be right.  It was too long.  It takes a long time for some people to start to feel normal and balanced.

In your case, you really did have your leg lengthened.  I am sure Dr. Ure did a very good job.  There is a lot of swelling and "stuff" going on in the operated hip.  You will have to give it time to feel right.  Many people have spent a great deal of time trying to even measure the difference at home.  In the long run - everyone that had the problem finally had it resolve.

I think in your case, it may take longer than normal.  Almost 1/2 " is a lot and you body will need a great deal of time to adjust.  You might have back and knee problems along the way.  Your whole body needs to become healed and balanced.

I had a lot of problems with my back.  My hip had become a little shorter from the OA and that knocks your whole body alignment out of wack.  That is why I spent so much money at the chiropractors.  I had 2 really bad back incidents since my hip resurfacing.  Dr. De Smet said eventually, your body will work things out and become balanced again.

If you need to talk with others, I again, recommend joining the large Yahoo Surface Hippy Group. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/surfacehippy/   I think someone will hopefully read you post and talk with you.  The problem over there is there are hundreds of posts a day and sometimes new people get ignored.  Not on purpose, but becasue of the volume of posts.

Maybe you need to also ask the doctors office how long this strange feeling will last.  I know it lasted months for some people.  You are going to experience a lot of pain, I assume, from the muscles now starting to stretch to accomodate the new leg length too.  Be patient and ask questions of your doctor when you are not sure about something.



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Re: Journal Starting at Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2007, 02:56:37 PM »

Well - I am happy that someone else has this issue, I thought I was the only one!  I even asked my doc at my post-op visit.  He chuckled and said that I was perfectly symetrical and that I needed to give it about 4 more weeks.  I too felt like my other leg shrank.  I was really freaked.  Now that it is 4 weeks post-op, my standing feels almost perfect now.  As the weeks go by, you'll feel 'balanced'.  Good luck.



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Re: Journal Starting at Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 08:59:54 PM »
Day 9:

What a difference paying attention to my body made.  By slowing down and keeping moving pain always under a 4, I feel a huge jump in welfare in just one day. I think I got a handle on this now.  Only thing is, I felt so good today, I may have overdone the walking...but it sure was fun!  This morning was so beautiful I actually drove through the valley with my wife taking pictures of the fall scenery.

I think my issue with leg length will resolve....seems to be common complaint that usually goes away...and I've noticed that posturally, my stance and balance are radically different than with the funky old joint.  So I think I just have a lot of unlearning and relearning to do.  Also, some people have said it is a physiological thing with surgical recovery, swelling, etc.

PS:  Karwn, thanks for the positive words on leg length!  Glad you are doing well.

Pat Walter

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Re: Journal Starting at Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 09:46:42 PM »
Glad to hear things are better.

Marc, the PT, in Belgium was always telling me stand up tall and throw your shoulders back.  You get so used to walking out of balance and with pain, your body forgets how to stand up normally. 

I feel so much better now when I walk. I can stand straight with my shoulders back and my head high.

It is amazing what a new hip can do for you.

Every day will be a little better.  There will be plateaus and sometimes big jumps.  I found 6 weeks made a difference for me.

You body knows what's best for you.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Journal Starting at Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2007, 09:11:22 AM »
Hello all:

Well for those of you who are newly post-op, I am 4 weeks and 3 days myself and I walk unassisted, except when I go out into the community.  I still bring my cane just in case.  I walked 2 miles on Wednesday and barely had to rely on the old cane.  Keep up the rehab, especially Kevin, and don't overdo it.  Listen to your body....  In a couple weeks you'll be feeling so much better.


Pat:  Thanks again for your work and wisdom.


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Re: Journal Starting at Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2007, 11:38:47 AM »

Kevin L-BHR Dr. Ure 10-8-07


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Re: Journal Starting at Day 6 post-op BHR Dr. Ure
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2007, 05:22:32 PM »
Day 11:

This note to Dave Kelly who is also considering Dr. Ure sums it up:

Hey Dave...how's it going?  I'm doing a little one day, then I do too much and the next day I'm tired.  So goes life huh?  Anyway today I feel good, I walked two blocks with just barely the assist of a 4  5" wheeled rollingwalker on part of my stride.  I find I can stand up straighter and work on balance and stride by kinda letting this walker roll along with me and only touching it as needed.  Got my house routine down now and also this was the first day I didn't wake up with a nasty headache. I think the headache was due to neck complication (more calcification) and the crutch use.  I started a routine of upper body/neck/shouder stretches yesterday, and applied heat and ice before bed and walah!! no headache.

Oh and I can't say enough good things about Denise at Dr. ure's.  She helped me yesterday track down some durable medical goods (I'm getting a different kind of crutch) in an instant..ordered and paid for through insurance, when I'd spent half the day in frustration dealing with insurance and trying to find the thing.   If you choose Dr. Ure, rely on here heavily for all help...she comes through with simplicity and she loves it.

Have you made any decisions yet?  Give me a call if you want to talk.

I'm really stoked to have a joint that doesn't keep telling my body how to move....just gotta get all the tissue happy now.



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

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