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Great Recovery then Major Infection
« on: November 12, 2009, 04:29:01 PM »
I posted earlier about how great my recovery was from my left hip resurfacing on Sept.11 I was walking great, hiking and was pain free. At approximately 7 weeks post op I developed flu like smptoms. I had a fever, chills and muscle soreness. My operated leg muscles hurt more than the other leg but I attributed this to them not being built back up completely.

This went on for 3 days and Saturday night I felt my incision and it was hot and my leg was swollen and red. I went straight to the emerency room and they admitted me to the hospital in Scottsdale AZ. On Sunday the hospital ortho came in and told me I had a large infection and would require immmediate surgery to drain and clean the infectioon and remove the resurfacing and convert to a total hip replacement. Another ortho surgeon who happened to be in the hospital came in that day and agreed with his assessment. She knew me because I consulted with her before my initial surgery. Dr. Ball in San Diego did my hip resurfacing surgery so they recommended I go back to San Diego to have my infection handled. I was feeling pretty low at his point. I called Dr Ball and he said to get over to San Diego right away and they would handle it. And everything was going to be OK. That made me feel better since I specifically selected a resurfacing procedure and it was going great until the infection set in.

I arrived at Thorton Hospital in San Diego Monday morning and went straight to Emergency. I had the usual tests and saw Dr Ball in the afternoon. He told me that there were a couple of ways to go. The first and most conservative was to open me up, clean the infection, remove the resurfacing and do a total hip. He felt this would yield a 90% chance at success. The second path was more risky. It involved two operations to clean the hip area of infection but retain the hip resurfacing. He estimated an 80% success factor not knowing exactly what bacteria was causing the infection.
I told him I wanted to keep the resurfacing in place and he agreed to try to do this.

So, Monday evening at 8 pm I was opened up and the infection was throughly cleaned including dislocation of the hip and scrubbing the metal parts with brushes and disinfectant and water under pressure (like a Water Pik). The infection went into the joint so was communicated across the whole crosssection of the leg. They took cultures for bacteria identification and placed antibotic beads in the joint then closed me up. They also put in two drains.

One part I have omitted is that the whole time up to this point I was on wide spectrum antibotics through IV.

Now I waited in the hospital for the cultures to grow. Continuing the antibotic IVs. On Wednesday the cultures showed it was a staph infection but was a more treatable staph since it was gram positive. Now we move to phase two.

My IVs were chaged to antibotics that were best matched to kill this bacteria. They watched my inflamation markers to see how the infection was doing. They pointed in the right direction. Less inflamation. So, I was scheduled for Saturday morning sugery for final drainage cleanup. By Wed./Thursday one could see that the outward signs of infection were greatly reduced: no fever, minor leg swelling, minor redness.

On Saturday the surgery was only a couple hours. The leg was opened up and throughly cleaned as before. The antibiotic beads were removed. A couple drain lines were inserted. Everything looked good and the leg was closed up.

I spent three addition days in the hospital and was discharged. I wear a fanny pack with a pump that delivers 12 g of antibotic every 24 hours continuosly via a PICC line that was inserted in the hospital. What a great product for those who need constant and prolonged access to get medicine into a vein. And I take oral antibotics for the next 6 weeks.

I tell this story for information purposes but more so to say that great Doctors like Dr. Ball really shine in crisis. It would have been far easier and less risky to remove the resurfacing and covert to a total hip. But he knew I wanted to keep my hip as is. I have the uptmost respect for Dr. Ball and his staff at UCSD.

I have fingers crossed that his all works out. And the infection is in my past never to recur.

Pat Walter

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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2009, 04:59:28 PM »
I am so glad things are going well for you.  Also very happy Dr. Ball was willing to try to save your resurfacing.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your recovery will continue to go well and be sucessful.

Thank You for sharing your story.  Please keep us updated on your progress.

I want to post your story on the main website, but will wait until a few more chapters are written.  If I forget to post it, please send me an email later down the road to remind me to post your story.  It is very important that people know infections can happen and that they can also be healed.  pwalter@surfacehippy.info

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2009, 05:12:27 PM »
Hey Medgerton,

Wow, what an ordeal you've been through! I can certainly empathize with your situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Your attitude seems great. What antibiotic are you on?
Are you on the picc for the next 6 weeks? You're lucky to have the pump, I had to inject mine every 8 hrs. Hang in there and keep up the faith. We're all pulling for you. Let me know if I can
help in any way.




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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2009, 06:21:31 PM »
Thank you for your thoughts. I am on Nafcillin 12 g per day continuous feed.  Yeah, I am getting use to the pump. It does make a sound each time it pumps every minute. Other than that it is unobstrusive. The bag of medication lasts two days. So I just have to change it every two days and put a new battery in the pump.

I did read your post about your infection before anything happened to me. As I laid in the hospital your post gave me hope that an infection can be beat.


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2009, 06:42:47 PM »
medgerton, I really hope you have a successful outcome and keep your resurfacing. Do you have any idea how the infection occured? Good luck, moe
Bi-lateral, BHR, Dr Marchand. 7-13-09


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2009, 09:01:47 PM »
A friend of mine went through the same thing with a badly broken leg
(8 surgery's, 2 plates, 24 screws)  They put him on the pump first, then the pills.  He went in last week and tested infection free.
It sounds like they have it covered, good luck & keep us posted


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2009, 08:48:13 AM »

Hang in there. I had a knee joint infection TEN months after a TKR. I went in the night before Thanksgiving and had the joint wahed and the plastic insert replaced. I was on a PICC Line for 8 weeks with a daliy injection. I can now say three years later, all is fine.

I would make one BIG suggestion. Eat YOUGART everyday. It is the best thing you can do for your immune system. The immune system is your friend with any joint replacement.

BTW, I just had a BHR five weeks ago and so far, so good.

Take Care


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2009, 11:38:44 PM »
Thank you for the suggestion about the yogurt. I do eat some everyday. This antibotic regime destroys the bacteria in the gut making digestion a challenge. 


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2009, 06:57:40 PM »
Here is an update.

It has been three weeks since my discharge from the hospital. The two surgeries I had for infection drainage and cleaning really took the wind out of my sails. This recovery is much more difficult than the original hip resurfacing surgery. The major difference is that I was so fatigued the first couple of weeks after getting home. It really did not have anything to do with the hip area. It was general fatigue. The first week if I walked 1/4 mile I would have to rest in a recliner for two to three hours! The good news is that I am getting stronger. I am now able to go through a day normally with not much fatigue.

The infection is gone and the antibotics continue to do their work. The big test will be once I discontinue the antibotics will the infection return?

The hip area is weak. I will not return to PT until I am off antibotics plus a couple weeks. They really worked the hip area over during the cleaning process so I want to give it time to calm down and heal before starting exercises.

Overall getting stronger everyday and the infection is gone.


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2009, 07:07:24 PM »
Hey Medgerton,

Hang in there. The time will go by faster and faster each day. They wouldn't let me do anything at all while the picc line was in. Relax and heal. we're all rooting for you. You'll get through this and come out stronger.




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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2009, 01:08:22 AM »

Thanks for the words of encouragement. The funny thing is that the only "limitation" I heard from anyone regarding the PICC line is don't get it wet and don't lift more than 15 lbs. with that arm. 


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2010, 12:35:15 AM »
It is time to update my infection post so here goes.  It has been two months since my discharge from the hospital after my infection cleanup. I completed the 6 week PICC line antibotic treatment on Dec. 21. I was somewhat concerned about the nurse removing the PICC line. However, she removed it before I even knew she was doing it. I felt absolutely nothing.  Doctor Ball prescribed oral antibotics twice per day starting on Dec. 21. I had blood tests every Monday during the 6 weeks on the PICC line so the Doctor could look at my inflamation markers, especially C reactive protein and sed rate. They trended downwards in a good direction. During this time my leg continued to gain ROM and strength but it still had a long way to go. And my other hip (right hip) was getting sore from favoring it.

I had a follow up appointment with Dr. Ball last Thursday, 1/7/2010. He said the incision looked fine. And most importantly he ordered a blood test and my inflamation markers were normal. In fact, better than "normal". So he was happy. He said to discontinue the oral antibotics. And if the infection doesn't come back for 2 months I should be in the clear.  So, I have my fingers crossed. Not much I can do in this regard. Just go on and hope. I also learned "Standard of Care" procedures to prevent infections during hip surgery. So, even with the most up to date infectious control procedures and technology infection happened. I won't bore you with the details but believe me your better off never having this knowledge. (That means you never got a surgical infection and have no interest which is a good thing.)

I asked Dr. Ball for more physical therapy to build my strength and flexibilty as I want to return to basketball. So, I will start PT again next week. I am already hiking and playing golf.


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2010, 01:15:02 PM »

Great news! I know you're glad to have that picc line out. Keep us posted and send me a PM if you need or want any exercise advice.

take care,



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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2010, 11:17:32 PM »
Final update on my Infection recovery.

I am doing great. In fact, today I played basketball for the first time in 11 months. I am 6 months post op and 4.5 months post op on the infection surgeries. I saw Dr. Ball last week and my X-ray looked great and my inflammation markers were normal. So, it looks like the infection is behind me.

I did end up doing 6 weeks of PT consisting of a good amount of exercise PT. 

I am looking forward returning to basketball multiple times per week. I am already playing golf and hiking whenever I feel like it.

Pat - you can consolidate my posts on the infection and recovery as a guide for others that may face similiar circumstances.


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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2010, 05:23:42 PM »

This is my 1st time on this forum, but I appreciated your experience.  I am a 47-yr-old with advanced/extreme Osteoarthritis in both hips.  I am receiving a Hip Resurfacing on my right hip on 6 April, and very anxiously (but nervously) awaiting the procedure. 

What you experienced and write about is what I think I fear most.  I already tested positive for a Staph infection during my Pre-Op physical.  So, I am currently on antibiotics before we even start!  Not off to the start I had wanted.

Thank you for sharing your story, and I wish you a great recovery!



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Re: Great Recovery then Major Infection
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2010, 09:38:26 PM »
They do a lot of things to minimize the risk of infection. Since they know you are at additional risk you will be given antibotics before and after the procedure. Think positive. It is one of those things you cannot control.

The main point of my story is that I made a full recovery from the infection and 6 months after my initial surgery I am able to do everything I want.

Best of luck.



Cleveland Clinic Hip Resurfacing Center

Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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