Hi Bill
I am 63 and am not a runner. I had my hip done when I was 61 and was on one crutch at 4 days and no crutches at 4 weeks. I was walking about 1 mile a day 10 days post op on one crutch. I use to be very active in sports, but the last 10 years with a bad hip kept me pretty much in a chair.
So I have no experience with running or even being very active for almost 10 years. I can say that there are many that are very active and that is why I posted the athletes stories on my website.
Other than that, the only advice I can give is to be sure to talk to your doctor about what you want to do.. I will say that the US doctor are much more conservative in their approach to post op recovery and letting you be very active in sports. You need to be very specific with the surgeon you choose and ask lots of questions. Here is a list to get you started
http://www.surfacehippy.info/questionsfordoctor.phpIf you use a doctor that doesn't want you to run or won't answer your questions, move on to find a really expereinced doctor. Experience is very important in hip resurfacing since it is a much more difficult surgery technically than a THR. Because a surgeon has done a lot of THRs, means nothing when it comes to placing the Hip Resurfacing device. All angles, etc must be correct. At this point this the limited instrumentation - it is almost as much an art as a skill. Use an very experienced doctor if you want to be back to running.