Hi pamela and nysoccermom. I empathise. I had a LBHR in May 2006 when I was 47. Everyone's situation/recovery track is different so my comments to follow need to be taken in that context, but I have a few recollections which may be helpful. First, let me say that, having had a very successful long term recovery, I focus my memories on the good aspects - I am now back to competitive swimming/cycling. My hip is strong, flexible and pain free. I was lucky to have lots of help, lots of time, nothing to do during rehab, so I focussed on PT, exercise and REST. But here are the provisos.
1. In the first few weeks I had so little hip strength I could not lift my leg off the bed. It was damn hard work getting around.
2. The trauma of the surgery (all that cutting, dislocation, surgeon pulling stuff around etc. that I dont want to think about) left me with muscle injury and tightness that was SORE - like bad sports injury sore - even though the hip joint pain had gone. This took weeks to reduce and I have worked on strength/flexibility improvements ever since - even now.
3. After very modest amounts of exercise/PT, I was EXHAUSTED. I slept every afternoon. (I think the anesthesia also had a lingering effect.)
So, I can only encourage you. I hope that in another 7 weeks you will look back and see that you have come a long way further, and in another 6 months the memory of the tough stuff will be dimming.
Daily life, family, work take a lot out of you. If you can build plenty of recovery/rest into your daily program, that could help the continuing recovery. You have had major surgery - so perhaps the people around you will understand and let you nap daily each afternoon or similar?
(I think many of the stories of fabulous recoveries are from guys -like me - who had lots of help and pampering!!

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Good luck, I think you're doing great, particularly given that one of you has the injury history and the other is a bilat!!
(PS I would strongly endorse Chuck's comment above that water based (or whirlpool) exercise is a really good thing to include in your exercise PT program.)