Ok the pain I was having got so severe today I ended up by ambulance in the ER for 8 hours,, I felt pretty good when I got up then took a very hot shower,, I had put my socks and jeans on and went to brush my teeth and turned to walk away from sink and it was like the neck had broked,, I could NOT walk on it, The pain was worse than surgery,, I made it to my crutches I have not used for 3-4 weeks now.. It was so bad in 30 mins I had to call 911, A friend wanted to take me but I told him if its broke it could make me bleed.. The pain was unreal,, I mean it was uneal., I knew it was broke,,
well they took x-rays and I had my CD of x-rays with me ( they had never seen a resurface ) and told me they saw no change from the cd than the xrays today ,, I said you need to talk to Dr Monts office to see what they think and whats going on and let them see the xrays,, Dr Monts office called the Hosptial here and said they think liagment and rolled over across the componet or muscle,, I am telling you I have been walking wonderful,, As I lay across the bed tonight it takes every ounce of engery to lift my leg off the bed and walk with crutches even to get a drink or water .. I have been home about 2 hours and this is unreal.. I have never felt pain like this, Dr Mont office says they want to see me as soon as I can fly up to find out exactly what may be going on,, GREAT,, 800 mile plane trip and I cant walk to the kitchen,,
Does anyone know what in the world could have caused this,, I have done everything they have told me,, I think PT pushed me too hard but I have done everything right, I am so thankful its not broke,, Jean with Mont told me they have only had 2 to fracture and it was due to a specfic event,,
Does this get better,, will I need surgery ,, what is going on and I was 9 weeks out today ? and yes I said all the way in the ambulance,, I should have never done this,, hehe I did,, gosh I hate to know I have to get up in a few to go to the bathroom to get ready for bed,,
PLEASE guys ,, some insight,, I iced it last night Chuck and I took ibu like they said I could,, and this happens today .. only good thing I said today , Thank God you did not let them do them both in the same week,, I need some help here people,, I am thankful but gosh I am confused,, I can see why my doctor never wanted me to do it,, he wanted me total hip it and it would be there for 30years now he claims,, I had to try something new,, I just had to ,, its me,, I was his first core Pt 22 years ago,,