Hi everyone,
First I would like to thank Patricia Walter for this wonderful site and activating my account today.
I'll begin by giving you a brief introduction. I am 49 and had been very active until last year. My passion is playing softball, skiing and riding my Harley Davidson around the country. Something I am proud of is that I have ridden my motorcycle in all 48 contiguous states.
In the year 2000 I was having groin and hip pain that seem to occur mostly after playing tournament softball. I controlled this with Ibuprofen. When the season ended I finally worked up the courage to go see the doctor. I was diagnosed as being a candidate for THR in both hips. I was 39, one month shy of my 40th birthday. The doctor reviewed the X-rays with me then said “when do you want to schedule your right hip?” My chin hit the floor. I responded in a matter of fact tone, that I am too young for this; he agreed but held his ground. At that moment in the office I informed the doctor that I wasn’t ready and needed time to do some research and think this through. His parting statement to me was “You’ll know when it’s time”.
Fast forward. Thru the years the hips slowly degraded and I dealt with it. In the spring of 2009 I attempted to play softball but had to retire after 3 games. Ibuprofen no longer worked and I am not one to take narcotic pain meds. Plus I lost the ability to run. To occupy my time over the summer I rode my motorcycle across the country with a few friends. However I quickly discovered my inability to get off the bike and go site seeing. I was having trouble walking without using my cane. I really noticed my problem while trying to negotiate the Grand Canyon. I quickly learned that I could walk down, but getting back up was a serious challenge even with the cane. I was reserved only to the scenic overlooks and I felt bad about the handicap I placed on my posse not being able to enjoy the full beauty of this magnificent place. This really depressed me.
After a few days visiting the canyon we were back at the hotel enjoying a few beers when we decided to head somewhere flat in the morning, Las Vegas. It seemed like a good idea at the time to make it easier for me, but after 20 min of walking around in Vegas, every step I took hurt. My epiphany was it’s time.
I have seen three surgeons over the past couple of months, each being skilled in their own technique. I have narrowed down my options to two techniques, HR and THR done with new cutting-edge hip replacement surgery that doesn't cut any muscle offering faster recovery time, less pain, less tissue trauma, smaller incision and less risk of dislocation. This is done utilizing a special operating table called the Hana table. But the problem I face is the same as many of you did and that is making the decision for HR over THR.
If you are willing to share, I am curious as to what tipped the scale for you in making that decision.