Hi Everyone! So I'm new to Surface Hippies but an avid poster on the Osteonecrosis Yahoo support group! But it seem's I've hit a snag and would appreciate any advice that you all may have for me.
Background: I'm a 20 year old guy that has been dealing with chronic health issues since the age of 12. I have Interstitial Lung disease, RA, Sjogren's, Common Variable Immunodeficiency, Asthma, Avascular necrosis in both femoral heads and both distal femurs and poximal tibias! From the ages of 12-17 I was on daily prednisone/solumedrol use (never got below 40 mgs/day). Then my lungs were near the point of Lung transplant that we had to use Pulse Solumedrol which consists of 3000mg of Solumedrol (which is 4 times stronger than Pred) for 3 days every Month...so yes..9000MG of solumedrol every month! Crazy I know..Oh and the best part was that nobody ever warned be that this could happen! Now I'm on Methotrexate, TNF inhibitors, Plaquenil, IVIG, and inhaled steroids and some solumedrol.
My latest surgery was in June of 09 when I had Core Decompressions with stem cells from illiac crest in my right femoral head (stage 1 barely symptomatic), distal femur and proximal tibia. Within weeks I was pain free and all was well! And my lungs were even doing better with my new medication switches! Then, the weather started to change and I had a BAD flareup of my lung disease. So we ended up doing a Pulse of Solumedrol 500mg (equiv of 2000mg pred) and then an increase in inhaled steroids. A few weeks later I woke up with Excruciating pain in my right hip..I couldn't put any weight on it at all...it was bad! The thing is that my AVN in the right side was just at stage 1 when we did the CD's. But since then there is a constant ache in my right hip/groin which gets really bad when I am weight bearing. My left hip has started to hurt worse as well. I'm on Fentanyl, Oxycontin, Flexeril, and Percocet.I can't attend school because sitting reaks havoc on my hips and I've tried online courses and my grades have suffered..again still due to pain and pain meds..And grades matter since I want to go to Law School! Most importantly..I just want to live!!!
My MRI/xrays shows progression from stage 1 to stage 2 but the leasion isn't huge and hasn't collapsed! BUT, there is visible sclerotic changes, small cysts, and early degenerative arthritis on the xrays AND my docs say due to my inevitable use of steroids and my progressive/agressive RA, they say that a THR OR HR is inevitable within the next year or so. The thing is, some docs i've talked to want me to wait until it collapses...but others say to operate so that I can live! Of course I'm leaning towards living but the other issue is that they say that there are pros and cons for Hip Resurfacing and Hip replacement..and of course they want me to choose!!
So, my question to everyone is if they have heard of people who had Hip Resurfacing on Pre-collapse AVN? If so have any of you experienced AVN pain after Hip Resurfacing?
I appreciate ANY advice people may have for me! I'm just getting very tired and very frustrated and want to action! But a smart researched action!
-Jacob (My personal Email is Jacobneku@yahoo.com)