Hi BILL, Pat et al
This is my second post as I don't see the first one appearing - probably my confusion with this borrowed laptop....
I've been reading your disheartening posts about pain issues. I'm so sorry to hear you are having problems but BILL I do know that sitting on a tennis ball sensation very well...
Anyway, I am 2 weeks back from revision to a classic plastic/metal total hip. The surgery experience was better this time - note to all - it made a huge difference that they kept me warm throughout the procedure with some kind of paper tube filled with hot air, and therefore I had no need of warming up afterwards. I am weight bearing as tolerated which is so much easier that my previous 6 weeks non weight bearing.
There was some damage from the resurfacing device, BHR. Not black, but brown inflamed tissue. Both joint and tissue have been sent for research.
BILL I'm glad you've had a blood test. Now that I've gone through this I do believe that the metal level blood test is a very effective way to assess the success of the resurfacing. Xrays show the angle and placement of the joint, but they do not reveal damage.
Best to you all,