Hi Dale,
Congrats! I'm a bilat too. I had mine done 5 weeks apart, and I'm now between my 2 yr anniversaries for righty and lefty.
At 3 months post-op, I was better than pre-op. At 1 year post op, much better. And at 2 years, it's still much better than after 1 year. It has given my back an active lifestyle. There are so many anecdotes. You do things that you don't think of at the time, and then later think what a joy to be able to do those things. Working around the yard recently and jumping off the bed of the truck. A family member commented, "not bad for fake hips." I hadn't thought about it, but not bad indeed!
A word of advice/preparation. My first recovery was piece of cake - back to work (from home, but full days) within the first week; good energy, all things considered. The second one hit a bit harder - not unexpected considering fairly recent major surgery, or maybe the recoveries were just different. Anyhow, it might help to be mentally prepared for the 2nd one to be a bit harder. It's one of those things that makes sense in retrospect, but it caught me by surprise.
Keep lookin up,