Well, I DO NOT HAVE AVN!!! I saw the Doctor who ordered the MRI, and there was no evidence of AVN, just bad Arthritis. He still feels that I need a THR on the left side, but I'm going to send my results to Dr. Gross, and take a copy of my stuff to Dr. Ball in 2 weeks, 1 day. This doctor said that a THR would be needed because of the bone wear, to even my legs, but most of the wear is my old femur. I'd think that if it was resurfaced, and a new "ball" was in place, and a new socket, then the length would be back to what it was prior to the wear. He was also not very helpful in releasing my X-Rays and MRI to me. But, I finally got them to give me a form to fill out so when the Doctor returns them to the X-ray department, they can send them to Dr. Ball. Hopefully, since there is no AVN, I can get the BHR on my left hip as well as the right. Will keep you posted.