Hi Kim
Welcome to Hip Talk.
As far as I know there is only one surgeon in the US doing cementless and that is Dr. Gross in SC. He is still doing both cemented and cementless and is giving his patients the option of choosing.
The long term statistics are still all about cemented caps and it is pretty good.
Personally, I have found that you normally don't want to be the first in anything experimental. There are people wanting the cementless, but there is no track record for it yet. The old THR stats don't apply to hip resurfacing. As my doctor, De Smet says, the trick is knowing how much to use and how to apply the bone cement. That is what gives the great results. Again, that only happens after you have done hundreds and thousands of hip resurfacings.
The same thing with acetabulum cups. A surgeon has to place the cup properly. Slipped cups are surgeon error. There have been about 10 slipped cups recently with people using the newer, inexperienced hip reusrfacing surgeons. They doctors might have done thousands of THRs, but that experience does not apply to hip resurfacing.
Vicky watched experienced doctors trying to place acetabular cups at the conference. Many had a very difficult time doing so, yet have done many THRs. Hip Resurfacing is a separate skill.
Good Luck and keep in touch. We always want to know how people are doing and what they have decided is the best path for them to follow for hip resurfacing.