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Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« on: March 28, 2010, 02:54:19 PM »
Has anyone had a minimally invasive hip resurfacing surgery or heard much about them?  This was reccomended by my Orthopedic Surgeon as the best option for me, but I am having difficulty finding information on it.  I am a 32 yr old mother of a 2 & 4 year old, and being out of commission for a long period of time just isn't an option for me.  My surgeon insists that these are performed in a Same Day Surgery center and have the same success rate as traditional hip resurfacing but with a much shorter and easier recovery time. 

I've had several surgeries to correct developmental dysplasia since birth, and knew the time would come where another surgery would be necessary.  I'm at that point and am struggling with fears of not being able to care for my children during the recovery phase.  Of course I have a good support system, and my husband is wonderful, but... 4 weeks is an awfly long time not to be able to pick up my kids because I'm on crutches.

Any thoughts???   :-\


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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 03:02:28 PM »
Here is what I found doing a quick Google:


Doesn't look like there is any list of Dr.'s though that might be doing this, have you emailed Mr. G Chana about it?

Dale RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/2010
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 03:14:11 PM by dmather »


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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 05:39:32 PM »

I did not have MIS, but I think no matter what type of surgery you have....you are still going to go through a recovery period and it is not quick. The surgery is major even with MIS.

Be prepared and be realistic.

Best of luck.

LBHR 23/01/2009 Mr Mcminn


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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 06:38:26 PM »
Hi crpagel, I've watched and read dozens of videos and interviews with all the leading surgeons and I don't think any of them recommend min invasive for resurfacing. They all say the incision will be as big as it needs to be to do the job correctly. They have to do major work in there and the placement is critical. I would be more concerned with the long term results. Good luck, moe
Bi-lateral, BHR, Dr Marchand. 7-13-09


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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 07:07:19 PM »
I would have a tendency to agree with this, I have watched all the videos and interviews I could find as well and this is what I have come away with.

My incision is considerably longer than many I have heard of from various posts on this and the Yahoo message board, but Dr. Clarke said I was extremely stiff with very little range of motion. I guess I can understand that since I was in my early 20's when I first started having issues with my hips. I realize it may impact my recovery but just the freedom of not having pain in that hip joint makes it all worth while to me!

Dale RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/2010


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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2010, 08:16:35 PM »
Hi.  I agree with the others.  This is major surgical procedure regardless of terminology. That said, I understand that there are significant initial differences between a posterior approach used by "most" surgeons and the alternative direct anterior approach (DAA).  I have not see this modified posterior approach that you reference or on the link from another post.  As far as the DAA, you go to youtube to see it done.  Dr. Joel Matta in California first popularized this approach.  The DAA for HR is an approach that many use for a THA.  I am scheduled to have my HR in May via a DAA.  The presumed differences are (1) less soft-tissue injury as you do not go through the glutes, (2) less potential for a dislocation although HR offers a reduced likihood anyway, etc.  It is often a more diffficult procedure for the surgeon - so mine tells me.   As far as rehab, I am expected to be in the hospital for no more than 2 days.  If it turns out, how much shorter can you expect with any approach??  Incision length - no expectations, but then again, I don't wear bikini's!

This is a discussion for you and your surgeon.  My advise is to go with what your surgeon is most comfortable performing that provides the most predictable results in his / her hands.  Best wishes....


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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2010, 09:28:34 PM »
Thanks all.  I guess I have some more questions to ask and research to do before I make a committment of any kind.  This last surgeon was my 2nd opinion... looks like I may be going to try getting a third opinion.  Luckily I have a bit of time on my side.  I'm hoping to have this done sometime during the summer.


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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2010, 10:11:44 PM »

Don't get tied up into whether or not your surgeon peforms a MIS, the difference is what? Maybe 4 inches of incision?

My doctor did the MIS on me but my rehab was equal to most other people, I was average. 

What you really need is a surgeon who has LOTS of experience, don't worry about MIS or what approach they use, just hope that whatever approach they end up using works best for the surgeon in giving you the best possible results.  I picked a surgeon who had over 1,600 surgeries at the time and I've not looked back once.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb

Vt waddler

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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2010, 03:43:25 PM »
Just so you know others are out there, I had bilat MIS surgery. Scars were really not a concern of mine. But if you need to know, my right scar is barely visable and my left, you can see about 3" of it and it was probably about 6" total. The scars tend to run more horizontally as opposed to vertical. But as mentioned above, I suspect rehab/recoup time is about the same. I believe with MIS there is probably much more stretching of the muscles (smaller cut/big stretch<g>)..Best of luck.

On a side note, I'm now about 8 months post surgery and just starting to feel like my old self. Had a bout with ischial burstitis and range of motion is still a battle for me, but I never was very limber to begin with!..;*)

Vt waddler

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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2010, 04:14:39 PM »
and I guess I should add, if anyone was wondering.....if I was to wear a bikini and good god you would not want to see that!! (I'd be tossed out of Vt. in a heartbeat<lol>) I don't believe one would see my scars at all. Not to get to personal, and just to give an idea, but you can't see my scar lines at all if I'm wearing briefs, they are completely hidden..there, now you have a visual, maybe not a good one though!!!...............;*)

Pat Walter

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Re: Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2010, 04:35:24 PM »
 :D  My entertainment for the day?

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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