Hi All-
I'm 47-yrs-old and new to this group, but have found much support in reading your posts! Many thanks to all of you!
I am now 7-days out from my Hip Resurfacing procedure....and can't wait!

I know, sounds a little "sick", but after the past few years and now most recently the past few weeks, it HAS to be much better than what I have been enduring.
On 10 February this year, I was diagnosed with the degenerative joint disease that I have in both hips. I couldn't answer all of the Dr.'s questions about family history of Arthritis, since most of them died in their 60's from heart disease....tuff options, uh?! My decision was made, and now I am waiting.
And then, there for just a few days when the Dr. prescribed pain-killers and anti-inflammatorys were working their magic, I thought "why the heck do I want to go through this, I'm feeling fine!"
Well, the "why" has been answered over the past few days....since I have been off of
ALL medications for the 1st time in over a year leading up to my surgery (not even a simple Tylenol or Motrin) in order to to clear my system. Let me tell you....if EVER I had a doubt about what I am doing.....then no more! I've never hurt more in my life than I am right about now. And not to mention, my pre-op lab work came back and I have elevated Liver counts. It's now very obvious, I can't continue to get through each day feeling like this, but also can't sacrifice other body-parts to help tolerate the pain.
If ever a doubt, my surgery can't get here soon enough! (and then they will schedule me for the 2nd one!)

My kids call me,