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Elaine Y.

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Dr for Resurfacing
« on: November 03, 2007, 08:01:53 PM »
Hi, was wondering if anyone has heard of Dr. Daniel Kuesis. He was with Midwest Orthopedics, but is now with Core Orthopedics. I saw him yesterday. He feels I am a candidate. But, I don't know how many he has done (forgot to ask). He also said that the BHR only comes in 4mm increments and if that was not a fit, then he has THR ready to go. He did say, though, that BHR is coming out with 2 mm increments. So, question is has anyone heard of him and do you know or how can I find out when the 2 mm increments for the ball will be coming out. I want to do this in January after the holidays. Thanks for any help, Elaine ;)

Elaine Y.

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Re: Dr for Resurfacing
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 08:04:55 PM »
Sorry, forgot to add that Dr. Daniel Kuesis is from Elk Grove Village, IL... sorry, newbie here....  :P

Pat Walter

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Re: Dr for Resurfacing
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 08:41:47 PM »
Welcome to Hip Talk.

I have to say right up front, having had a hip resurfacing and been learning about it for the last several years - you need to be using an experienced surgeon.

Most of the very experienced surgeons will use the Wright C+ if the BHR doesn't have the right size for you. 

The newer surgeons always want to go right back to a THR when there is any potential problems. That is the reason to look for an experienced surgeon - one that has done hundreds.  One that you know will give you a hip resurfacing when they say they will.

Please look at my list and try to find a more experienced surgeon http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.php

I don't know how young you are, but I was 61 and felt I was still way too young to accept a thr.

Each revision of a THR gets more and more difficult. That is why if you start with a hip resurfacing - you have a whole femur bone left if you ever require a revision in your lifetime.

You might want to try one of these surgeons - they are very committed to hip resurfacing:

Dr. Scott Rubinstein - BHR Trained 2006
50 Hip Resurfacings to date
2860 N. Broadway
Suite 202
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: 773-327-8300
email: doctor@hiportho.com
Website: http://www.hiportho.com

Mitchell B. Sheinkop, MD - BHR Trained Calgary 2006
230 Hip Resurfacings to date
Midwest Orthopedics
1725 W. Harrison St., Suite 1063
Chicago, IL 60612
phone: 312-432-2341
fax: 312-243-4294
contact: Mary Langhenry, PT
phone: 312-432-2378
email: mlanghenry@yahoo.com
Midwest Orthopedics

If you can't get what you want in IL, then consider going to Dr. Gross in SC or look at my list.  Sometimes you just have to travel to get what you want.  Many of us traveled long distances to get our BHRs. I went to Belgium and my friend went to India. 

Let me know if I can provide any more info.

Please stay in touch.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Elaine Y.

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Re: Dr for Resurfacing
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2007, 08:12:55 AM »
Hi Pat,
Thanks for your input. I wish I had found this site before picking an MD. I do know of both the MD's you listed. I do know that Dr. Kuesis was with Midwest Orthopedics and he is still listed under the Nephew & Smith site as one of their MD's. But, there is no further info on him. I will be calling his office on Monday and try to either get and see him again with questions or perhaps talk to him over the phone. I did not know about hip resurfacing until I saw an article in our local paper in May 2007 about someone who had it done by Dr. Kuesis. I am 50 right now, but have been dealing with the hip pain for about 5 or 6 years. I've just had my 3rd Cortisone injection on Friday, 11/2, when I went to see Dr. Kuesis. My other ortho MD was right for THR and would not listen to anything else or refer me to anyone. I had a Cortisone injection last year in Oct. 2006 and then 2 days later went out walking because I felt so good, and then slipped on "black ice" and broke my fibula. So, I had to stay off anti-inflammatories (impede bone growth) and wait a year for bone healing. So, with the injection I got on Friday, I feel like a new woman, and I know from all that is offered on this site, that the hip resurfacing is my way to go. Thanks so much for this site and I will keep you informed as to who I end up picking for my MD and when I get it done. Elaine :)



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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