The biggest thing is to know that this surgery albeit invasive is being done to your hip joint, not any major organ of your body. The surgery is done everyday, safely and with plenty of fantastic results.
What you need to start thinking is in the terms of how good things are going to be post-op, read the stories on this website, most people have really great outcomes, my pain post-op was never worse than the worst pain that I had pre-op.
After I got home from surgery I could have been by myself 24/7, although we're all different. Find a neighbor or relative to check in on you post-op, make sure you have meals pre-prepared, set your home up to make it easier for yourself, get an elevated toilet seat, now is the time to prepare.
You'll need to find out from your surgeon what his rules are in regard to your medicines pre-op, call or email them and they will let you know.
Most of all, stop worrying, the surgery is not that bad, I've had much worse.
I was suddenly called by my surgeon to say that he now had a space near the end of April to take me in for BH surgery. I had previously been on a wait list. I am absolutely terrified as I have never had any form of sugery before and thought that I had a bit more time to "prepare" myself. Consequently my blood pressure has sky rocketed. I quit smoking several weeks ago in anticipation of the surgery and am wondering if the anxst of quitting may be causing this although I know that it should be doing the opposite. My GP says that the BP is borderline. I pressume that they wont do the surgery unless it goes down. Are there any clues on how to do this without medication? I also really need to chill as I stupidly went on-line to find out all the downside things that can happen before and after the surgery and have now convinced myself that I wll at least get one or them. Paranoid I know...I also need to know how long before surgery I have to stop taking my daily aspirin and anti inflammatory. One more thing, my husband has to be away on business during this time and I am wondering how long I need someone with me 24/7 once I get home from the hospital.
Thank you so much to anyone who can help me!